~Chapter 9~

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The brothers were unsure of what to do now, they didn't have much time left and it would take a lot of time just to get back to where they were before.

"And now we're back to square one" Bruce sighed.

"So is that it? We couldn't save our niece.." Clay looked down.

"We don't have much time left so.." Bruce sat down.

"We can't just give up yet" John Dory said.

"It's your fault we're back here, now we can't save Crystal" Bruce glared.

"Clay was the one who sneezed!" John Dory protested.

"My nose was itchy! We wouldn't have fallen if you just listened and we went the right way" Clay argued.

"Look. I'm sorry about that ok? But we can't just give up! Crystal needs us!" John Dory explained.

"John is right we can't just give up now, we'll think of something but we're not going to get anywhere by arguing about it" Floyd said.

"Exactly we just need to find a way to get back on track" John Dory added.

"But what could possibly get us there in time?" Bruce questioned.

Suddenly there was more rumbling that shook the ground a little, not as massive as before but still it was very noticeable, the brothers stood up unsure of what was going on.

"What now?" Clay looked around.

There was a sound, a sound that was very familiar to the oldest brother, John Dory was hoping it was what he thought it was, he could see something or more specifically someone running to them in the distance.

"Is that?" John Dory squinted his eyes to get a better look.

A familiar armadillo with green adorable eyes with red and orange stripes was now in view as he saw Rhonda running towards him, John Dory's eyes widened in joy and he smiled seeing his precious friend.

"👹RHONDAAAAA!!!!!!!👹" John Dory shouted excitedly.

Rhonda immediately nuzzled into John Dory's arms as they reunited and she also greeted the brothers with a friendly lick, the brothers wiped the glitter saliva off themselves.

"You smart clever girl! You found us!" John Dory exclaimed happily.

"Rhonda must've found a way to escape" Clay said.

"And with Rhonda, we'll be able to reach Crystal in time!" John Dory added.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Floyd went into Rhonda and his brothers went after him.

John Dory took the wheel and they started to head up the mountain, they were going a lot faster than before thanks to Rhonda and were back on track, hopefully they would be at the top soon.

"So what's the plan to get Crystal?" Bruce asked.

"They aren't just going to hand her over when we win, we need a plan just in case they don't want to" Clay replied.

"Don't worry guys once we get there we'll grab Crystal and get the heck out of here" John Dory said.

"But they're magical fairy creatures, it won't be that easy" Floyd explained.

"Well we've faced giant pop talent-stealing siblings and won so I'm sure we'll find a way to rescue her" John tried to think optimistically.

John Dory looked up to see they were almost at the top, looking nervously as they didn't have a solid plan just yet.

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