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"Yo, wanna go hit the bar with us?" Tom asked with the boys standing next to him.
-"Sure, why not?" I say and get up off the couch and we headed to Tom's Cadillac.
(Why is a Cadillac SUV, all white so fine?..HELP!!)

He drove us to the bar and parked quite far away from the bar. Tom doesn't play about his vehicle.
We stepped out of the SUV and walked into the bar.

Once we walked in, our noses were filled with the strong smell of alcohol. Our eyes practically going blind by the lights. My ears were about to bleed with the women screaming and the music playing over.

"Tom!" Three girls came running and Tom looked at them like they were crazy since they just ran up on him like that, but he loved the attention he was getting.

I shake my head and push past the people to get me a drink and this girl caught my attention. She had beautiful h/c h/l hair and she was wearing a black mini dress that showed off her curves perfectly.
Her nails were painted a plain black and her makeup is what really caught my attention. She had this Smokey look around her eyes and she was just perfect.

I wanted to speak with her so bad but I didn't have the courage to go up to someone randomly. Especially if they didn't know me.

"Bill, oh, my god!! Can I please have an autograph?!" Some random chick said and held up a paper that she pulled out of nowhere. I furrowed my brows and signed her paper and she thanked me before leaving. I can't go anywhere without being noticed but the girls loud screaming caught her attention.

"Oh, is it just me or am I dreaming?" She grinned, showing off her teeth.
-"What do you mean?" I asked.
-"The one and only Bill Kaulitz." She smiled and I almost melted.
-"yeah.." I nodded, laughing nervously.
-"I'm a really big fan." She said.

She knows who I am!!

"Oh, I'm glad." I responded.
What a shitty response.
I thought as she looked me in the eyes.
I didn't know her but she's just like a drug.

"Can I buy you a drink?" I offered.
-"I would like that, thank you." She smiled and I nodded before ordering our drinks and sitting next to her.
-"are you here alone?" I asked, passing her the drink.
-"Yeah, all of my friends are busy with their mans." She rolls her eyes.
-"Oh, I see..How old are you?"
-"I'm turning 21 next month." She sighed.
-"Oh, you sound disappointed."

"I am. I wish I was still young. You had to see me at my worst." She laughs.
-"No, you're beautiful." I say and smiles softly.
-"thank you."
-"you're welcome. Everyone's gonna age." I shrug.
-"my worst fear is aging." She said.

"You'll be fine! I'm sure you'll age okay." I smile and she looks at me in awe and it made my heart flutter.
-"Thank you, Bill. You're really sweet." She smiled.
-"I don't want anyone to be put down." I shrug and we continued to talk with each other, having a long conversation until Tom came up to me that it was time to go 'cause paparazzi was getting intense.

"There's paparazzi outside, we have to go." He said and I nodded before placing my beer down.
-"I'm sorry, I have to go." I apologize.
-"No, you're good."
-"Uhm, maybe I'll see you around?" I say.
-"hopefully." She smiled.
-"Uhm, can I get your number?" I asked and she nodded.

I pulled out my phone and she put in her number.
"I'll text you when I get home." I said while putting my phone back into my pocket.
-"no problem. I'm gonna head home too." She said and stood up from the chair, grabbing her purse.

"Let me walk you to your car." I offered.
-"Thank you!"

We headed out of the bar where paparazzi began to snap photos while I walked her to her car.

"What's your name by the way?" I asked.
-"Y/n." She said as she entered her car.
-"Alright, drive safe, Y/n." I smiled and she returned it.
-"Thank you for the night, Bill. I really appreciate it." She said and I was head over heels for this girl.

"No problem." I smile and head over to Tom's SUV, the paparazzi following behind.
Tom drove my way and I stepped inside before we drove off.

"So..who's the girl?" Georg smirked as Tom laughed.
-"Who's the girl?" He whistled in a teasing manner.
-"Okay, her name is Y/n and we were having a conversation." I shrugged.
-"Ooh~" They both said, dapping each other up.

"Y'all are so stupid and childish." I roll my eyes and we made our way to the hotel.


The next morning on the Tokio Hotel updates were photos of us, the title being called,
"Tokio Hotel found at the bar last night."
and they showed another picture of me walking Y/n to her car and talking with her. Paparazzi can't mind their business but they caught some really beautiful photos of her smiling. She looked so angelic and it was titled,
"Bill Kaulitz caught walking his girlfriend to her car"

Girlfriend? Is that what they're referring her to? My girlfriend?
I mean, I'm not complaining..

All these photos that appeared onto the screen reminded me that I forgot to message her last night!!
I felt so bad and immediately grabbed my phone and messaged her.
───────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────────
Me- "I'm so sorry!
I forgot to message you last night!

Y/n- "It's okay! I fell asleep once I got home."

Me- "oh, okay. I don't know if you seen the photos posted about us but I just wanted to apologize for that. I didn't want your face to be all over the internet without your consent and it's all my fault, I'm sorry."

Y/n- "Yeah, I saw those not too long ago. It isn't your fault, you're good. I don't really mind, really."

Me- "Okay, I'm sorry again. Maybe I could make it up to you by taking you out one day?.."

Y/n- "I would love that."
───────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────────

I was nervous to ask that but she agreed!! I didn't know how to react but I knew I had to tell Tom.

"Tom! Tom! Tom!" I yelled, looking for him around the hotel.
-"What?" He groaned, sticking his head out from the bathroom as he was brushing his teeth.
-"Oh! There you are! I asked her out and she agreed!" I smiled happily.
-"Woo-hoo! Congrats." He said. He obviously didn't care.

"ooh~ Bill has a date." Georg smirked, raising his brows up and down.
-"I'm super nervous but excited!" I say, holding onto my phone tightly.

𝗕𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗞𝗮𝘂𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘇 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 :: ☆Where stories live. Discover now