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Chapter 3: Unveiling the Unseen

One fateful night, as Aria lay in bed, reading her favourite novel with a cup of coffee for then nth time, enjoying herself as it was what she came here for, leaving the world behind and buying herself an old bungalow in the middle of forst with zero human existence. She came to a photo she kept in that book months ago. She stared at the photo, smiling affectionately remembering her once picture perfect life. But then suddeny--

The tranquility of her home shattered by a bone-chilling sound that sliced through the silence. The piercing wail echoed through the corridors, sending shivers down her spine, it made the coffee in her give up and splashed on the ground and jolting her from her slumber. Heart pounding, she raced from her bedroom, her feet barely touching the cold wooden floor as she sprinted towards the source of the ominous noise.

As she entered the living room, her eyes widened in disbelief.

How in the world-

The television, once a source of comfort and entertainment, flickered in black and white, its ghostly glow casting an eerie pallor over the room. And then, as if possessed by some malevolent force, it abruptly shut off, plunging the space into an impenetrable darkness.

Aria's eyes widened with shock about the strange happening, but then she stared at something that grabbed her attention.

It was not the absence of light that seized Aria's attention. No, it was the ghastly image that materialized within the inky void of the screen. A spectral figure, her ethereal form draped in tattered garments, materialized before Aria's disbelieving eyes. The woman's face, contorted in unimaginable pain and anguish, bore witness to unspeakable horrors. Blood streamed from her vacant eyes, tracing crimson rivers down her pallid cheeks.

Aria's eyes widened in disbelief, her heat beating like crazy and she stumbled back. Aria's breath was caught in her throat as she gazed at the horrifying apparition, her mind struggling to comprehend the surreal nightmare that had unfolded before her.

Fear and curiosity waged a battle within Aria's soul, the desire to flee warring with the need to unravel the enigma that had consumed her home. With trembling hands, she reached out towards the darkness, her fingertips brushing against the intangible veil that separated her from the unknown.

As she did, a bone-chilling gust of wind swept through the room, extinguishing the flickering candles that had provided the only source of light. Complete darkness enveloped Aria, rendering her blind to the horrors that lurked just beyond her periphery. Yet, even in the absence of sight, she could sense the presence drawing closer, its ethereal breath caressing her neck, its spectral whispers echoing in her ears.

Aria's mind raced, her thoughts entangled in a web of fear and anticipation. She knew that she stood at the precipice of a choice that would forever alter her destiny. Would she succumb to the paralyzing grip of terror, retreating into the safety of ignorance? Or would she muster the courage to confront the darkness head-on, unearthing the truth that lay hidden within the depths of her haunted home?

With a surge of determination, Aria steeled herself for the battle ahead. She would not be a mere spectator in her own fate. Armed with nothing but her unwavering resolve, she took a step forward, plunging deeper into the abyss of the unknown, ready to confront the horrors that awaited her.Little did she know that this journey would not only unravel the mysteries of her haunted home but would also reveal a darkness that lay dormant within her own soul.

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