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Word Count: 1838


Kayn opens the front door, sweeping his arm to encompass the space I walk into.

His home is beautiful.

Everything is made of natural wood and is open and wide, with floor to ceiling glass windows and doors that let in the nature the surrounds this place.

This is my new home. For the meantime, at least.

The decision to move out, especially after what happened between Onyx and I wasn't an easy one. However, it became painfully clear there was nothing Onyx could do about his need to marry.

I need a fresh start. This is good for me.

"This is it," Kayn states, watching for my reaction.

The place is big, spacious and light. There's nothing to dislike, especially considering it backs onto a forest that I'm going to spend plenty of time in.

So why can't I shake the cold, dark feeling draped over me?

"It's really nice," I muse, setting down one of my many bags. "I forget your incredibly rich."

Kayn has assured me that he will be taking over his families business shortly. I don't have much interest in it, and the politics of it all aren't so my particular taste, so I'm giving him space to pursue the title as owner as he pleases.

"It's no palace like what you were living in before, but it has everything I need." He pulls open some doors, drawing in the fresh scent of nature. Pine, dew and dirt.

"Thanks for letting me stay until I find a house of my own." I draw my hand along the polished surface of a liquor cabinet, noting the dust. He hasn't been home in months to maintain it.

"Of course." He lingers closer to me, rubbing the back of his neck. "And if you decide you want to stay here and pursue something serious between us, I won't complain."

I clear my throat, turning my attention away from him.

The journey here was many hours, and I spent the entire stewing in guilt. I haven't spoken to him about my indiscretion with Onyx the other night, and I don't feel like I need to.
Whatever was between Onyx and I is done. He will marry and I will...I'll move on.

"We'll see what happens," I say carefully.

Kayn points to the stairs. "This is your room up here."

I follow him up. My bedroom is the first on the right. It's much larger than I expected, with a massive glass window showing the extent of the forest that sprawls out toward the horizon.

"Wow, what an incredible view," I breathe, approaching the glass.

The room has a bed, a dresser and an empty desk. Everything is made from natural wood, suiting the pale walls and matching flooring.

"There's room for you to start your sewing as well. I know you mentioned wanting to make clothing to sell at the markets," he says, watching me take in the room.

"This is perfect."

It truly is. I should be happy here.

"You still look sad," Kayn notices, leaning against the doorframe as he watches me take in the room.

"I...I'm just homesick. It will pass," I force out.

I miss Onyx already. We've gone this long without seeing each other before, but this is different. There is no promise of his embraces, his cautious smiles and dry humour. The distance between us isn't the same anymore, and never will be again.

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