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𝟒:𝟐𝟗 𝐏𝐌

"Ma why you got me back in therapy? I told you I was cool." Josiah Sat outside his new therapist's office on FaceTime with his mother. She told a him a few weeks ago to get back into it because his therapist was now located in Atlanta.

"Siah, just try it again this one time. If it's that bad I'll cancel it." His mother Sonia sighed. She had been worried sick about him since his sister died 5 months ago. In New Orleans he had done multiple sessions with Dr. Lauryn.

Shaking his head, he mumbled . "I'll call you when I leave. Love you."

"I love you more beanie." She smiled and hung up.

"Shit stupid." Getting out the car he locked it while walking to the entrance of the office. Opening the door, he was met with an older black woman.

"Josiah?" Dr.Lauryn while motioning him to follow her to her office.

He nodded, following behind her. Entering the room he noticed she tried to make it as comfortable as possible. She had bean bags and nice painting son the walls. She sat down on her couch.

"Sit anywhere that'll make you comfortable." She smiled grabbing her small iPad and Apple pencil.

He sat in the couch across from her with his hands in his pockets. He didn't feel comfortable venting to a stranger about his sister's death. It was a soft topic for him and he tried to avoid talking about it to anyone.

"Sup Doc how you been?" He looked at her as she unlocked her iPad.

"Everything is good, My family and I are getting back adjusted to the city life. How about you how's everything been?" She looked up from her Ipad.

"It's cool for now. Back playing football, started hanging with my cousin and his peoples. They straight, been keeping me busy the last week."

"Glad to hear you've been going out and keeping busy. How've you been mentally? It's been a few months since we last caught up." Flipping through her notes, she found his mental statements of when they first started conversing.

He sighed and scratched the back of his neck, "I mean, it's okay for right now. Just been missing her a lot lately. Know she would have been outchea having a good time. Miya loved Atlanta." He smiled slightly remembering his older sister, Samiya.

"Miya Always came up for they la' parties. I remember one time she called me cause she wanted to blow a bag in Lenox. Man I sent her 5k and let her go crazy." He laughed, but began to frown a little remembering Samiya isn't here anymore.

"Shit stupid. My sister ain't deserve what happened to her Doc." He mumbled feeling us water but quickly wiping away the tear.

"You're right, she didn't deserve that. But, You have to live on and continue to make Samiya happy wherever she is. It's okay to grieve Josiah, but do not allow life to pass you by. You have so much potential." Dr.Lauryn passed him a tissue seeing a couple tears roll down his eye.

"It's like no matta' how hard I try to act like my sister still here with me. I'm always reminded of how she not. Shit just be fucking me up." Wiping his eye, he balled the tissue up in his hands. "It's like everybody kept going with life, nobody stopped, life just kept going."

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