Chapter 69: Decision

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Kaishu closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then he opened his eyes and said calmly: "Beasts Pirates' first site will be in Wano!"

The reason why Kaishu chose Wano is that the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack; one man guards the gate, and ten thousand men cannot enter.

Most importantly, Wano has a very important resource.

That is seastone!

80-90% of the Seastone in the world comes from Wano.

It can be said that if Wano hadn't closed its borders, Wano would have become one of the wealthiest countries in the world just by relying on its monopoly in Seastone!

If you want to develop a territory, money is essential.

Moreover, Seastone is also a vital strategic resource.

Even the World Government had to use Doflamingo as an intermediary to make deals with Wano in a low profile.

If they can capture Wano, it is equivalent to having a crazy money-printing machine and an almost impenetrable fortress!

Combining the two advantages, Kaishu even temporarily put aside the auxiliary items in the system.

Make Wano the number-one target of the Beast Pirates!

As for the fact that the Kozuki family is a masonry family who carved the Poneglyph and can understand the entire content of it, Kaishu doesn't care at all.

Which traverser would care about the history of an otherworld?

At most, it's just a new experience to listen to.

How did Celestial Dragons occupy this world?

Why did Imu become the King of the world?

Who is Joy Boy?

What is the Great Kingdom?

What happened eight hundred years ago?

Kaishu doesn't care about these at all.

No matter what methods Imu and Celestial Dragons use and how despicable or shameless it is, they are the winners in the end!

The winners write the history.

Even if the Celestial Dragons are moon people or aliens that have taken over this world, Kaishu doesn't care!!

When Kaido and others heard Kaishu's decision, they had no opinion.

Even Gion, who made the suggestion just now, has no dissatisfaction with Kaishu's final decision.

Again, the Beasts Pirates acted according to Kaishu's will.

The captain's decision is the direction of the ship!!

"Captain, since we are going to Wano, there is one problem we need to solve," Simon said at this time.


"Wano's Eternal Pose!"


"The Underworld black market should have it!"

"Set off!"

In just a few words, the next course of the Beasts Pirates was decided.

Under Simon's command, the ship immediately changed direction and headed for the nearest Underworld black market.

A day later, the Beasts Pirates landed on an island.

There is a branch of the Underworld black market here.

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