Prologue: Summer Time

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It was summer before Lemao's freshman year at Creek Hill. One week before to be exact. Lemao was prepared for anything.

Classes? She's memorized her class schedule at this point, teacher names, and she'd toured the high school with her older brother the year before. Not to mention they'll do another tour this year anyways. She's got it.

Supplies? She's got everything neatly packed in her bag. Bought not to long ago. Notebooks, pencils, binders, all left untouched to be fresh for her first day. That was no problem.

New people? She was sure Jessica and Peggy had already antiquated every possible coming student of her existence. The "weird" and lonely reject girl of her grade. Every year was typically the same routine. New kids saw her, she'd introduce herself. Then they'd vanish, like a magic trick every time. So Lemao had no expectations of that.

So what was it that was making her sick to her stomach currently? Pacing back and forth in her back yard. Her little Chihuahua and Dachshund mix, Doodle, following her back and forth with excitement, just glad to be included as he always is. He jumps next to her, asking for pets with his paws. Lemao sighed, and stopped her pacing to pet him.

Lemao was worried about her friends. The ones she made in middle school were fine, most going to a different school than Lemao, escaping the life of a reject. And the torment of Ram and his goons. Spamming her on discord with memes and jokes. They didn't worry her. So who did?

Isaac, his name was Isaac, and she had inadvertently found out he was coming to Creek Hill. Another friend she'd made online over the past summer. Sharing a discord server for queer kids. Isaac and Lemao getting to know each other and hitting it off almost immediately. Even worse? She made the mistake of telling him out of the initial excitement she had.

Now here she was, in her back yard pacing back and forth. Trying to convince Isaac to stay away from her at all costs. With a stubborn Isaac refuting each of her arguments.

GottaKetchupAll_Pokemon: I just think it'd be cool! We'd actually be able to hang out & do all that stuff we'd been talking about!!!

We_Gotta_Be_Gay: Well- yeah- sure, yes. But like, I'm a reject Isaac, if you want any chance at having *more* friends we'd have to like, act like we didn't know each other

GottaKetchupAll_Pokemon: Nuh-uh! (<- Doesn't know wtf a reject is)

Lemao let out a small snort at Isaac's response. Of course he wouldn't, Isaac had just moved to Lemao's home town in July, if she was recalling correctly. She was sure this wasn't something that other schools had. Lemao sat on the grass as the sky turned dark. Doodle excitedly dancing around her before settling into her lap. Lemao pet her dog gently, typing as best she could with one hand, what a reject was.

A reject, someone completely shut off from other people, Lemao was the only one now. Not by her own choice, but Lemao found herself like that every year that with most people, she had no chance of getting to know them. A social outcast, labeled by the popular kids who screamed and hollered about how horrendous Lemao, and anyone who befriended her, was.

Lemao knew, that anyone trying to know her, was tempting fate with the death of any other social life. And she couldn't do that to Isaac. He was new, he had the best chance. Isaac was friendly, funny, open-minded, and most of all, he was deserving of as many friends and as big a social circle as he could manage.

Lemao didn't want to ruin that by being, well, Lemao.

GottaKetchupAll_Pokemon: Well! Consider maybe Idc if you're a reject! I think it'd just be cool if we were able to hangout!!

Lemao let out a nervous and confused laugh. Looking at her phone as if she was looking right at Isaac himself. Pure disbelief on her face.

We_Gotta_Be_Gay: NO! It'd be better if you acted like you didn't know me

GottaKetchupAll_Pokemon: To latye as soon as I see you I'm tackle hugging you, whattya gonna do? Stop me?
GottaKetchupAll_Pokemon: Can't stop me
GottaKetchupAll_Pokemon: Won't even see me comin

We_Gotta_Be_Gay: latye

GottaKetchupAll_Pokemon: SHUT
GottaKetchupAll_Pokemon: But srsly tho, I can't wait to meet you

Lemao's stomach drops in a familiar way. Dread etched into her bones. Isaac was cool, they're friendship was great. Lemao... didn't want that ruined because of her school. Something she was cursed by. Lemao didn't want Isaac to be hurt by life just because of her.

We_Gotta_Be_Gay: ...

Was all Lemao could send. Words escaping her to express her feelings. She stood back up. Doodle moving off her and watch his owner. She ran a hand through her hair. Dreading the tour day more than ever before.

Lemao went inside, taking care of Doodle as her phone vibrated. Messages from Isaac she was sure of it. Once Doodle was fed, she opened her phone. Placing in it on the sink so she could read it while she washed her hands.

GottaKetchupAll_Pokemon: I mean it!
GottaKetchupAll_Pokemon: Us meeting up is gonna be so awesome!
GottaKetchupAll_Pokemon: Our queerness is literally gonna be unstoppable!!!!!

Lemao let out a small huff of a laugh. She did want to meet Isaac, she wanted to hang out and do all the things that normal kids their age would do. Go to malls and restaurants and just hang out, or play games and chill at each others houses. She wanted with Isaac, and her friends, to be able to do all those things.

The reality of her situation, however, nagged at her.

We_Gotta_Be_Gay: I just... I... being my friend isn't easy man

GottaKetchupAll_Pokemon: Well, I'm willing to fight for it

Lemao couldn't stop the smile on her face. She sighed. Sitting down on her bed as she settled down for the night. Plugging her phone into her charger as she laid down. Her thoughts plagued completely by Isaac seeing her for the first time. All possible scenario's running through her mind like wild animals.

She's helped kids out of being labeled a reject before. Lemao was sure she'd be able to help Isaac. Even more sure once he got a taste of being a reject, he'd bolt out of it. Something that hurt but something she understood completely. She'd run from this life too if she could.

Lemao hoped he'd still be her friend though. She liked Isaac, she'd hate to lose him like that. The dread sat on her stomach. Sinking her into her bed as Lemao tried to fall asleep.

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