Chapter 7⋆·˚ ༘ *

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"Wait you're leaving?" I look at Jackie, confused. "Is that why you came here? To take her back.." Katherine says. "You invited me here, remember? and no" Richard says. "Jackie's guardianship was settled in the will." George adds on. "I realize that but I'm her only blood relative and that can be contested." Richard says, looking down. "You're really gonna leave?" Alex says. Cole looks at Jackie. 

"What do you want." Cole asks Jackie, holding eye contact with her. "He's right." Richard says, looking at Cole. 

"You know Richard, Family isn't always defined by blood. Everybody exchanges a look. "Did you know that I was adopted?" Katherine says, looking at Jackie. I look up to Katherine, not knowing that. Katherine talks about her family. "I went searching for blood family but I found chosen family instead." She says, smiling with those sparks in her eyes. Everybody smiles. Isaac looks at me with a smile on his face.

I look into the living room, everybody playing board games. And of course Isaac is playing his video games. I smile and walk up to my room. 

"Where you going" Isaac runs up the stairs and asks me. "Oh I'm tired so I'm gonna go to sleep." I say, smiling at him. "Oh well me too then."He says, smiling.

Next morning☄. *. ⋆

I woke up to Isaac next to me, hugging me. He's so cute, I thought to myself. I slowly get up, and I feel Isaacs hand pulling me back. "I have to wake up" I say, giggling. "no five more minutes." He says, in his sleepy voice, yawning. 

"Isaac and Lee's dad is on video call waiting for them" Cole says. "Okay well go tell them" I say, smiling. 

He walks outside to Lee, Jordan, Isaac and Parker playing. "Hey someone's on a video call for you guys." Cole says, leaning on the door. "Dad" Lee says, smiling and running inside. Isaac stands there. "He's not gonna wait forever, man." Cole says, smiling at him. Isaac smiles and runs in.

I'm walking through the hallways. I walk past the room Isaac and Lee's in, hearing them laughing and giggling. I peek through the door, seeing Isaac laughing, which made me smile. "See I told you" I whisper to Isaac. He looks and me and smiles.

I see Jackie walking to her room. "Jackie you're staying??" I say, getting excited. "Yeah, I am." She says, smiling. "OMG YAY" I say, running to hug her. 

"Hey Cole-" I say, but I see him looking at Alex and Jackie. Kissing. "Uh" I whisper.. slowly walking away.  

Morning before bonfire

I walk into the living room, sitting on the couch and watching a movie with Isaac. "Oh yeah you wanna go to the bonfire tonight?" He asks. "Uh yeah, Bella's gonna drive me by the way so I might be a little late." I say, turning to look at him. He gives me a peck on the lips.

"Wait is Jackie coming?" Cole asks. "Yeah she's going with Bella." Isaac says, while turning on the radio. The others start to tag along. "Oh my, don't you guys ahem friends" Cole says, looking annoyed. "Well we have a great brother like you so why do we need friends." Danny says, walking to the other side of the car. "Go to the back." Danny says, looking at Isaac. "Please just this once." Isaac says. "You know the rules.. go" Danny says. "Ugh one day I'll be the oldest and you can all bite me" Isaac says, moving to the back. "You know that's not how age works" Alex says, laughing. "Shut the hell up" Isaac says. 

At the bonfire༊*·˚

I arrive at the bonfire, looking for Isaac. I hear his laugh somewhere. "Wait,, Sofi. isn't that Isaac?" Bella asks me. Pointing to him and another girl laughing together, getting cozy. I stand there. Staring at them. "Uh why is that girl staring at us.." The girl beside Isaac asks. "Uh I don't know her" He replies, not knowing she was talking about Sofi. ( Meaning he thought she was talking about someone else. ) "Can you stop touching me." Isaac says quietly to her. She still touches him, while Isaac tries to brush her off. I overhear what he says. ( Meaning Sofi thinks that Isaac said he doesn't know her ) "Sofi-" Bella says, while I walk away. "Oh Sofi !" Isaac says, smiling and chasing after me. "What" I turn back, looking at him. "Uh... hey you okay?" He asks, looking concerned. "I'm going home" I say, walking away. He holds my hand, holding me back. "What happened" He asks me. I let go of his hand. "What happened? You're over here laughing and getting cozy with a girl..?" I shout, looking at him. I'm so close to tearing up, but I can't. " And then saying you don't know me." I shout, walking away. "Wait what" Isaac says, looking confused. "You know what, I'm going home. Let's talk another day." I say, walking away with Bella. "Wait no-" Isaac shouts. "No Isaac, let's talk tomorrow." I say, walking away.


End of chapter 7˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

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A/n - I don't know if this is good 😭 Also sorry if my grammars a lil off. Sorry for uploading so little! 

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