◇how they handle public affection◇

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He doesn't mind it, says he's not bothered about how people see him but we all know that's a lie, he just likes to be seen with you 
He won't go out the way to make it super obvious unless he gets jealous 
Hand holding, hugging, kissing, as long as it's not getting heated he's cool with anything
Usually the one to initiate it
Like JD He doesn't really care to much about it
He prefers small gestures like hand holding but is good with anything you want (within reason)
He doesn't make it obvious but doesn't try to hide it either
You both equally show public affection
He's not a huge fan of it. He's definitely the type to use non-romantic gestures for public affection
He'll do things like rest his arm on your head since he's tall
Doesn't mind hand holding
It's normally him since you don't want to push him further than he's comfortable 
He doesn't mind it. He definitely prefers private affection but doesn't mind it Publicly 
He's happy to show it but he won't try to show you off
He's happy with anything your comfortable with, doesn't have any problems
He normally waits for you to give him the okay so he doesn't make you uncomfortable (unless you've told him specifically You don't care) but hell still try to make sure most of the time
He's not a fan of it but doesn't mind it from time to time
He trys hide it a little but won't desperately cover it up
He doesn't want you to think he's ashamed he's just new to this
Holding hand is normally all you get, with the occasional kiss - from you of course
It's almost always you

Ty for reading have a great time :>

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