Chapter 001: Nemesis

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Year 489: Month of Faded Sun, Headquarters of Humanoid Alliance - Global Science Initiative, floor 29, Laboratory room no. 1204

She woke up. Her left eye opens and her vision returns. Air bubbles rising in the light green liquid. Long white hair, which shimmers in pale colors of rainbows, floats smoothly along her movements when she raises her hand, looking at it.

"Where am I?"

Her thoughts get interrupted by a loud and energetic voice.

"Oh my! The dear Vajra woke up!"

Vajra blinks for a few times and looks at the person who talked to her, her hand already reaching for the capsule she is resting in.

"Good thing you're awake! Many things happened while you were sleeping. It has been decades, surely you didn't lose all your powers!"

Her vision gets clearer and while her left pale eye start to brighten up. The person the white-haired woman recognizes as Xiaozhi keeps talking.

Xiaozhi: "You don't want to embarrass yourself in front of the others, don't you—"

SWISH! Thousands of Vajra's diamonds, she can create with her power, fly through the room as the capsule she is in shatters in pieces. This powerful attack caused by her fills the room with a bright light while the diamonds which appear due to her swing cause many shards of them to pierce through, not only the capsule she was in, but also the other ones as well. Xiaozhi's eyes widen as the shining shards fly past him at high speed, his body almost vanishing in the air due to it, then he looks back at the transparent shells in this room while they are slowly cracking and breaking.

Xiaozhi: "Great. Are you planning to destroy the whole lab now?" He chuckles while looking at Vajra, who steps out of the capsule. One hand resting on the side of the broken glass, the light green liquid starts flowing on the floor while her toes tap on it, avoiding the broken glass. Her hand slides through her long white hair, ignoring his sarcastic question.

Vajra: "What happened? Explain."

Xiaozhi: "Oh, so, so many things! I don't even know where to start!"

Vajra: "In case you did not know, the point where to start is often associated with this thing called the beginning."

Xiaozhi giggles, his body starts wiggling while shapeshifting. His appearance could be described as a floating slime.

Xiaozhi: "Well to put it short... We got betrayed."

Vajra: "By who?"

Xiaozhi: "By the people we called our friends."

He then rests his chin on his hand while grinning and watching the woman the moment she started wringing the liquid out of the hair with a displeased expression. At the same time Xiaozhi noticed the look on Vajra's face he starts explaining.

Xiaozhi: "The dear Humanoid Alliance, your very own accomplishment of bringing the 5 biggest organizations of the world together betrayed you while you were dead! They sealed your power away and basically planned to take over this world if not even more!"
Xiaozhi explains it happily, his pale cheeks get slightly rosy.

Vajra: "What? The point of the Humanoid Alliance was to take over the world and they accomplished it already even long before my death. What are you talking about?"
The calm woman gets slightly irritated... Nonetheless she is not shouting or leashing out on her partner, who seems to be the only one supporting her at times like this. Then he continues talking:

Xiaozhi: "Well four out of five generals, which are now the new leaders of the Alliance thought it would be amazing to conquer other worlds. With you out of the way there was nothing to stop them!"

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