Chapter 11

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Chapter name- First kiss and Maya's jealousy

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Chapter name- First kiss and Maya's jealousy

In Rajvansh palace, Varun was sitting in his room. He had a photo in his hand. " Oh my love. When will you start noticing me?" said Varun when someone knock on the door. Varun quickly hid the photo. " Who is it?" asked Varun. The gate opened. Kartik looked inside. " Varun, what happened? Come the food is ready." said Kartik, " You are always hungry." said varun while getting up. Kartik laughed. They both came to the dinner table and sat down.

Yamini looked at Kartik. " Kartik, don't have a house of your own? You should be with your parents or should I say adopted parents." said Yamini. Everyone looked at Yamini. Dadi looked at Yamini. " Yamini, didn't you have enough from today's scolding?" said Dadi. Yamini looked at Dadi, " What did I say wrong? Kartik is adopted." said Yamini. Varun looked at her. " Aunty, what's your problem with Karitk?" said Varun.

Yamini looked at Varun. " Why do you have to interfere in our matter?" said Yamini, " Because Kartik is my best friend." said Varun. When Rudra came there. " Bua, you are forgetting that Kartik and Varun are not just my friends, they are family. " said Rudra. Everyone looked at Rudra. Rudra came to the table. " And remember one thing, you are a guest in this house so stay within your limits. " said Rudra.

Rudra went from there. Anaya served the food in the table. She looked at Dadi. " I will take food for Rudra in the room." said Anaya and went upstairs. Meanwhile, in Bhatia house, Kuku Bhatia and Vikram were drinking. Vikram looked at Kuku Bhatia. " Papa, now what will we do? How will we get the money?" asked Vikram. Kuku Bhatia looked at Vikram.

" Don't worry. Shobha is there for us." said Kuku Bhatia. Vikram looked at Kuku Bhatia. " But Papa, why will Maa help us?" asked Vikram. Kuku Bhatia smiled and looked at Vikram. " Vikram, what do you think that I love Shobha? No, I married her only for money. Sanjay loves Shobha a lot and he can give anything to her. And Shobha loves me. " said Kuku Bhatia. Vikram smiled. " So what will you do now?" asked Vikram, " Emotional blackmail." said Kuku Bhatia.

Kuku Bhatia and Vikram cheered and smiled. Then Kuku Bhatia called Shobha. Shobha was sitting in her room and reading a book. She looked at her phone. " Hello Kuku." said Shobha, " Shobha." said Kuku Bhatia while fake crying. Shobha got worried. " Kuku, are you fine?" asked Shobha, " No Shobha, Rudra asked for 1 crore tommorrow. You know that we don't have so much of money. Please ask Sanjay Bhaisahab for it." said Kuku Bhatia, " Okay don't worry. I will talk to him." said Shobha and cut the phone.

Kuku Bhatia looked at Vikram. " Wow Papa, actors should learning acting from you." said Vikram. Kuku Bhatia laughed. In Rajvansh palace, Anaya and Rudra were sitting in front of each other. Rudra looked at Anaya. " Anaya, if you want to ask something then you cn ask." said Rudra, " Where did you go?" asked Anaya. Rudra looked at Anaya. " I." replied Rudra. Flashback, Rudra reached his farmhouse with his guards.

He came down and walked inside. They came inside the farmhouse and saw Virat being beaten by Rudra's guards. Rudra's guards stopped beating Virat when they saw Rudra coming inside. Virat looked at Rudra. Rudra sat on his knees in front of Virat. " Virat Mahajan, you have a lot of arrogence right? How dare you touch my wife?" said Rudra and gave a hard punch on Virat's face. Virat's nose broke. Rudra threw Virat on the ground.

He looked at his guards. " Kill him." said Rudra and then walked out of the farmhouse. Rudra's bodyguards started to beat Virat. Present time, Anaya shook Rudra. Rudra looked at Anaya. " Anaya, that I can't tell you that." said Rudra. Anaya wanted to ask something but Rudra looked at the food. " Oh food, I am very hungry." said Rudra. Rudra started to have the food. He had the food and then went to the washroom.

Rudra came out of the washroom. Suddenly his foot got stuck in the carpet and he fell. Anaya tried to hold Rudra but Rudra was too heavy and they both fell on the bed. Rudra's hand were on Anaya's waist. Anaya and Rudra were looking at each other. Maya who was passing by Rudra's room saw Anaya and Rudra. Maya got angry. " How can they come so close?" said Maya. Rudra looked at Anaya's lips and started to move towards them.

Anaya closed her eyes and was ready for the kiss. Anaya opened her eyes and then kept her lips on Rudra's lips. Rudra was shocked with this kiss. This kiss started to turn into a passionate kiss. Suddenly Kartik and Varun came inside the room. They were shocked to see the scene in front of them. Anaya and Rudra were also shocked. They quickly got up from the bed. Kartik looked at Varun. " Sorry, sorry." said Kartik, " You both continue. We will leave. Come Kartik." said Varun, " Yeah." said Kartik. Kartik and Varun left from there.

Anaya and Rudra were very awkward with this. Anaya looked at Rudra. " I will just come." said Anaya and went to the washroom. Rudra lay on the bed and started to think about the kiss that just happened a few minutes ago. Shobha came to Sanjay's room and knocked on the door. Sandhya opened the door. " What happened, Shobha?" asked Sandhya, " Bhabhi is Bhaiya there? I wanted to talk to him." said Shobha. Sanjay came to the door.

Sanjay looked at Shobha. " What happened, Shobha?" asked Sanjay, " Bhaiya, Kuku needs to give Rudra a crore tomorrow. Can you help me?" asked Shobha. Sanjay smiled. " Yeah, sure. Come, I will sign the check." replied Sanjay with a smile on his face, " Come Shobha." said Sandhya. Shobha came inside. Sanjay signed the check and gave to Shobha. " Here Shobha." said Sanjay. Shobha took the check from Sanjay and hugged him. " Thanks Bhaiya." said Shobha. Sanjay smiled. Then Shobha went from there.

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