Attack on airport ?

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The official contract signing ceremony with Silicon Jewellery was to be held at 9am and would be broadcasted live as well as officially announced to the public. It seemed, regarding the war between Pratiksha and Payal, Silicon Jewellery had chosen Pratiksha's side.

3 years had passed since Pratiksha last attended an event like this - she had almost forgotten how it felt. But, as soon as she put on her creamy white low-back dress and the jewelry that Silicon Jewellery had sponsored her, she was once again glowing with confidence.

Sudiksha left the house nice and early to drive over to Suntower Residency. As she was Pratiksha's assistant, Moksh had given her special permission to enter their villa as she pleased. She had originally prepared a dress for Pratiksha...but when she entered the huge walk-in wardrobe Moksh had given to Pratiksha, she couldn't believe her eyes.

"He is indeed the president of Khurana Entertainment , generous with good taste!" Sudiksha praised.

At that exact time, Moksh came out from his own wardrobe. As soon as he saw Pratiksha he turned to Sudiksha, "I have something I need to say to Pratiksha."

"OK, I'll step out for a bit." Sudiksha turned around understandingly and closed the door as she left.

Pratiksha stood in front of the mirror smiling sweetly at Moksh; fresh and elegant like a blooming lily. It was hard for one not to turn all their attention to her.

"What do you want to say to me?"

Moksh didn't say a word, instead, he took big steps towards Pratiksha and hugged her from behind. He then turned her neck so he could cover her mouth with his, "I want to kiss you and even more...I want to adore you."

"I'm going to be late." Pratiksha also didn't want to part with Moksh's lips.

"I will watch the live broadcast..."

Pratiksha nodded her head with satisfaction. She hooked her arm onto Moksh's as they walked out of the villa together. Trutfully, anyone looking at the couple would believe they were a perfect match. Pratiksha was like white snow emanating a sense of pureness, whereas Moksh was alluring like a dangerous dark night.

Sudiksha was captivated by the sight of the couple, this is how a married couple should look like...unlike Vikrant the jerk, who would not be so pleasing to the eye.

A little while later, Pratiksha boarded the car with Sudiksha's assistance. On the way, Sudiksha spoke while driving, "The contract signing will be at 9am, we should arrive at 8:50am - just right."

"Your arrangements have always been on point." Pratiksha looked down and swiped her phone.

"The plane will be at 3pm and Payal has arranged for anti-fans to stop you at the airport. Among her fans, they have discussed a plan to make you look bad. One of them will find the chance to embarrass you and others will pretend to be passersby aiming to skew the judgment of onlookers."

Sudiksha screwed up her nose in disgust, this was something primary school kids did and unfortunately, childish acts like this always seemed to hurt others the most.

"All this information, how did you find out about it?" Pratiksha was quite surprised.

"Because I have my assistant hiding amongst them..." Sudiksha hummed proudly, "We'll just let these kids be happy for a bit...after the video is released, we'll see whose face gets slapped harder..."

Pratiksha laughed as she shook her head. Payal certainly had the ability to gather anti-fans. In comparison, her number of active fans looked pitiful. However, there were still a few that were looking forward to her appearance at the airport.

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