A Cry For Those That Have Fallen

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Peppy wasn't sure what he was expecting when he was told, someone we thought was dead came back, but he certainly didn't expect this. There in the hospital was Floyd in a hospital gown, bandages covering the left side of his body, holding a book, looking up at him in surprise. Branch right next to him also looked surprised. He couldn't help but shout,“FLOYD!?” when he saw him.

How is he alive!? Wasn't he taken by Bergens?!

“KING PEPPY!?” Both Floyd and Branch shouted back. Were they surprised to see him? He has every right to be surprised, a troll we all thought was eaten, just comes back out of nowhere, and thinks he won't come and check it out? He's the king, of course he would!

“What are you doing here?!” Branch yelled, not in anger surprisingly. 

“Well you see,” He began calmly, “I got reports telling me that a troll was running around The Troll Tree like a mad troll waking everyone up.”

Floyd looked a bit guilty when he said that, and looked like he was going to say something, but Peppy continued,“And that the troll in question was someone thought dead.” he then gave Floyd a look “And that they were hospitalized for severe injuries.”

“And you're asking me, why am I here?” He finished, staring at the two young trolls.

“Um…” Floyd started but looked away.
Branch had his mouth open and then turned to Floyd. “You did that!?”

Floyd shrank away a bit, looking away and then said softly, “I just wanted to get back home.”

This place hasn't been a home for a long time. But there was something that was bothering him.

“Floyd?” He said softly, walking closer to the two siblings, catching the attention of Floyd. “How did you get back?”

He saw Floyd freeze up at the question, eye wide. Branch noticed this and came to Floyd's defense. “He doesn't have to answer that!” He said angrily. 

Peppy just continued, “What happened to you?” He knows this is a bad idea, but he needs to know. This is the first time anyone has escaped from the chief. 

“Stop it!” Branch said louder. He needs Floyd to open up or else he will explode.

“What happened to your Grandma?” 

That question broke the silence that was coming from Floyd. His eyes started to water, and he just let it all out. Floyd was known as the sensitive one, but Peppy had never heard such a heartbreaking sob, so anguished from any troll, and he heard trolls cry.

His little brother just hugged him as he cried. King Peppy walked up to them, joining in, surprisingly with little resistance. 

He knew that whatever Floyd went through was hard. He feels like he failed as a king to protect him, and all the other trolls that were eaten by Bergens. But they will escape, sooner rather than later.

That he promised. 

There won't be another Trollstice

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