Chapter 9: The Weighing of the Wands

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Okay, so Percy figured out he couldn't use his newfound power too much, because it tires him a lot.

But this was great! If there was any water nearby during the first task, that is. He was excited, but also very confused. What was he? Some superhero? A water-bending Avatar? That important right now.

He still hadn't told Draco about his discovery yet, and he didn't know if he would. If he figured out why he had this power over the water, he would tell him.

Anyway, Percy was now in Defence Against the Dark Arts, watching as Moody demonstrated the Imperius Curse again on a poor spider.

"Now, the Imperius Curse can be resisted, with enough strength and willpower, so that's what we'll be doing now," Moody said. Students looked around, mumbling nervously.

"Come here, Miss Granger," Moody gestured for Hermione, and she nervously got up, and stood in front of the class. "I will use the Imperius Curse on you, and you will try to resist my orders. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," she squeaked out.

"Imperio!" The spell hit Hermione. She shut her eyes tightly, and after a few seconds of staying still, she began performing a dance routine. People laughed as Moody took the spell off her. She walked back to her seat, blushing in embarrassment. "I'll be trying this on everyone, so we'll see who'll be laughing at the end. Now form a line."

Everyone stopped at that, as they began offering their places to others, trying to go back. No one wanted to be in the front, so Percy decided to go upfront. Don't go thinking he was crazy, he only stood first to get it over with.

After all the students settled down, Moody turned to see who was first in line. "Alright, Potter, get ready." He said as he prepared his wand. Percy got ready to mentally say 'No' to anything Moody wanted him to do. "Imperio!"

For a moment, nothing felt different, until a voice popped up in his mind. "Go jump on the table."

"Um, no thanks," Percy thought back, closing his eyes gently for more focus.

"Do it," the voice nagged at him.

"I'll pass," Percy said stubbornly.

"Jump. On. The. Table!" The voice said in a louder, harsher tone, making Percy flinch.

He felt his body slightly move, but he stopped it. "I am not jumping on a table!" The thought firmly. He felt pain flare up in his knees, as his urge to jump on a table suddenly left. He opened his eyes to find himself on the floor. Well, that explains the pain in his knees.

"Excellent!" Moody exclaimed. "This is how you resist it! Do it again!"

Moody made him do it three more times. By the last time, Percy's knees were probably bleeding, so he tried really hard not to fall. He opened his eyes after the effect wore off, and he was standing!

Moody finally moved on to the other students. None of them could resist it completely. Moody had been trying to help him with the Tournament, and now, he was the only one to resist the spell. Did he just become Moody's favourite student?

He hoped not, because that might mean more time spent with him, and Percy would like to avoid that. The similarities to... him - they were too much.


"You know, it wasn't that hard," Percy told Draco, as they were going down the stairs, to the dungeons. You can guess what lesson they have - if you guessed Potions, congratulations! You got it correct. If you guessed double Potions, double congratulations! You got it double correct (Percy didn't know if that was even a grammatically correct sentence, but to hell - these were his thoughts)

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