Chapter 29

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Dove's POV

As I awoke to the soft glow of morning light, my eyes focused on a delicate breakfast tray adorned with a single red rose and an apology note. I unconsciously roll my eyes and roll to the other side of the bed.

Xavier has been doing this ever since he came back as his way of asking for forgiveness but that's something I'm not ready to give yet.

Rolling out of bed I head towards the bathroom to start my daily morning routine. Even though this room is technically Xavier’s I glad he hasn’t been using it recently, since it gave me the space I needed. I pick a white short sundress which I pair with flip flops since I don’t plan on going out today.

Downstairs I find Xavier sitting at the dining room table. He is wearing a tight honey brown t-shirt that matches his eyes, I remember picking out that shirt for him since I thought it matches his eyes and I was correct. He smiles when he sees me but I pass like I don’t know him. I know I’ve been a bitch lately when he is trying his best to make amends but I’m still mad at him. I still love him a lot but my anger and pain has buried that.

He tries to make conversion but I give him one word answers. After a while of getting monosyllable answers he leaves and I release a breathe I didn’t know I was holding. I take an apple from the fruit basket and head back towards my room. Ever since I lost my baby it seems my appetite went with it since the only things I can keep down is a piece of fruit.


I jolt awake when I hear a commotion downstairs. Looking out of the window I see that its raining heavily to the point ice is falling. Downstairs I once again find Xavier but this time he is cooking; that is if you can even call it that. He is soaked to the bone, and shivering as he is trying to cut the vegetables.

“What are doing?” I ask as I near him.

“Cooking your dinner.” He answers in a trembling voice. Before I could even respond, the knife slips from his hands and he cuts himself, blood instantly comes gushing out dripping to the floor. I guide his hands towards the sink where I wash his cut. I’m shocked to see that his cut hasn’t healed yet, werewolf heal instantly especially for an alphas.

“Why aren’t you healing?” I ask.

“My wolf is depressed so he can’t heal my human.” He says lowly looking away.

I dress his cut but that still leaves the problem of him being soaked. So against my better judgement I help him upstairs to our room where I help him sit on the couch while I go and search for a change of clothes. In my search for clothes I remember when I tore my ligaments and Xavier used to help me change, I smile at the memory which seems so foreign now.

I see Xavier is shivering more now than ever, as he tries to find heat in his wet clothes. Seeing him like this breaking my heart. I’m used to seeing him as a force to be reckoned with, strong and the master of his fate but this vulnerable, shaking man isn’t the guy who would do anything to make me happy. Yes, we had our fair share of troubles but for the most he tried being the best mate he could be and maybe I should listen to him so we can finally heal and move on.

I let out a moan of pleasure when I feel the sparks while helping him change. After he’s settled I try to mind link the doctor but she says she can’t come due to the horrible weather but tells me to keep him warm and to give him lots of fluids and warm food. I try to call and mind link Logan but as usual he’s MIA. I wonder how he’s doing, I miss him.

I notice Xavier is asleep so I try to sneak out but he catches my wrist. “Don’t go.” His sleepy voice says.

“I’m not leaving you, I’m just going to make you some soup.” I say and watch him release my wrist but can still tell that he wishes he could come along.

After a while I return I gently wake him up, help him sit straight and start feeding him. I would blow on the spoon since he threw a hissy fit about it being too hot. For an alpha of a respected pack he sure can be a baby. Eventually he finishes it and I thank the lord I didn’t spill anything due to how he was staring at me the whole time I was feeding him.

“Can we sleep together, like on the same bed for only tonight, please?” He asks with his puppy dog eyes he knows I can’t resist. Truthfully I was going to sleep with him since I’ve missed him a lot.

“You still own my heart even though you might not want it anymore.” He whispers than I feel him kiss my mark. I pretend I’m asleep and do my best to avoid the pleasurable feeling he evoked.


It’s been two days since Xavier has been sick and in those two days h has been the biggest baby I ever encountered. He would get sad everything I leave the room and he insists that we lay in the same bed
together since he’s “afraid” of his fever spiking again even though the doctor said he’s out of danger now.

“Thanks for taking care of me.” He says as I place his dinner in front of him.

“You took care of me when I needed help so I’m just returning the favour.” I reply sitting across from him.

“Are you really returning the favour or is it because you still feel something for me?”

Xavier’s question got me thinking about all this. I would love to disassociate myself from him but even without telling him, he knows me better than I know myself. I don’t answer him and dinner went by smoothly.

As we finish dinner, I start loading the dishes in the dishwasher meanwhile Xavier goes to change in his pyjamas. Soon I also have changed into my pjs as I dim the lights causing the soft glow to illuminate his face. My eyes travel to my mark and I have the sudden urge to kiss it, knowing he’s asleep I bend down and leave a quick kiss there.

What I didn’t expect is Xavier to pretend he was asleep and me being under him now. “I see my little mate wants to play.” From the tone of the voice i realise that it’s Luke, his wolf and not Xavier. Either way I’m glad he’s back.

Luke kisses my mark as I moan to the erupting sensations. I know I’m going to regret this in the morning but right now I don’t care as I surrender myself to him and his wondering hands.

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