Chapter 2 - Fanning the Flames

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Leo looked around his apartment, finally satisfied with the results of this morning's cleaning. It wasn't an amazing apartment by any means, but he managed to make it look a hundred times better than before. He admittedly was bad about catching up on chores, especially dishes which piled up so quickly. All surfaces wiped down, appliances cleaned, floors swept and vacuumed, shelves dusted and organized, and new candles lit for ambience. The whole package. One last thing to do: actually having Malakai over for their date.

Leo put some thought into what he would make for her for dinner, weighing a few different options, but he finally settled on sauteed squash and zucchini, crispy fried potatoes, and seared salmon, one of his favorite meals. One quick trip to the grocery store down the road and he was ready to cook!

Leo checked his phone again, rereading his last text from Malakai: "Hey handsome❤️ I'm heading home from running a few errands right now but I'll get home around 2:40 and I'll start getting ready not long after. I'll be headed your way at about 5. Can't wait for tonight 😘"

He checked the time: 2:23 pm. She lived about 45 minutes away so by the time she got here it would be nearly 6. Right on time. It was perfect. He'd start getting ready at 5, have the place perfect for her arrival by 5:30, and wait for her to get here until then.

He still had some time before their date and decided to unwind after cleaning for several hours and play some music, maybe read a book. He had gotten a new book lately a few weeks ago before meeting Malakai but he didn't get to start it yet, a smutty romance novel with some light BDSM, definitely up his alley. He figured he had some time to kill and started reading.

He was a fast reader, so chapter 1 flew by. So did chapter 2 and chapter 3, 4, 5, etc. By the time he had made it halfway through the book, he was extremely turned on and flustered. He definitely had read his fair share of smut- he had a bookshelf with many dirty books on it- but this was different. Did he misunderstand what this book was about when he got it? He thought it was about light BDSM, but so far he was basically blushing about the way these two characters even just talked to each other. It was raunchy, to say the least. Most of all, the man in the story was the submissive one in the relationship, not the girl.

He had never read a book where the man was the sub before but the more he read the more he kept thinking about what that would be like, being the submissive half of the relationship: having control taken away, being told what to do... He imagined himself in the story, wondering what that would be like... being controlled by someone, by Malakai. Leo felt something from that thought. He felt... hot. Flustered.

"That's stupid," Leo thought. "I'm not even submissive" even as he said it, he couldn't deny the lewd thoughts running through his mind for the first time: being tied down, being spanked, fully exposed for her, at her complete mercy... several of the things he had read in the book.

His cock was twitching just from the thought of Malakai taking control- maybe he really was a sub. He hadn't really tried it before, but now that he was reading it he couldn't stop thinking about it. The story was so vivid and descriptive that he couldn't help but imagine all the dirty things Malakai could do to him just like the man in the story. Leo had gotten aroused pretty early on while reading but the most recent chapters were so descriptive and lewd his dick was practically begging to be touched. But he abstained. He didn't want to touch himself so soon before a date.

He kept reading. A few pages into the new chapter, he froze. His heart was pounding from what he was seeing. In this chapter, the woman had gotten the man to wear a chastity cage, so he had no say in when he got to orgasm. By her logic in the story, she was the only one who got to decide when he felt pleasure. It was the ultimate form of control.

Leo had heard about chastity cages before- it wasn't a new concept to him. However, just the concept of chastity is not what temporarily suspended Leo's higher brain functions- being reintroduced to this concept at the same time as fantasizing about these situations with Malakai... his imagination ran wild... and he started touching himself lightly through his pants. Not enough to count as masturbating, but he couldn't resist the temptation to do something. He couldn't believe he was this turned on from a book about something he had never been interested in before. The idea was so hot... her having complete control over him...

Leo jumped when his phone rang next to him. He set down his book, gingerly marking the page he was at, and checked who was calling, the phone's screen telling him what he hoped to see.

Malakai <3

He answered excitedly, "Hey cutie! How's everything going?"

"Everything is going great!" She sang out over the phone. He practically swooned; her voice was angelic. "I was just calling to say that I'm almost there and that I'm really excited to see you!"

Leo's heart skipped a beat and the romantic feelings he just had quickly gave way to panic- what time was it?? His eyes darted to the kitchen, his microwave clock displaying a neon green 5:48 pm. He had gotten so absorbed in his book that he had completely lost track of time.

"That's great!" He choked out. "I can't wait to see you!"

"I can't either." Giggled Malakai, "I've been thinking about this date non-stop since last night. I'm so excited!"

Even while panicked, Leo still couldn't help but smile when talking to her.

"I know. I can't wait either. It's so great that youre almost here! Uh... How far away are you exactly?"

"About 6 minutes away, cutie pie. I'll be there really soon!"

Externally, Leo couldn't help but smile and respond cheerily. Internally, he screamed, but also noted that this was the first time she called him cutie pie. He liked it.

"Well drive safe the rest of the way! I'll go ahead and start preparing to make dinner! Gotta get out all the pots and pans."

"Sounds good handsome. Everything okay? You sound a bit off."

"Yeah I'm good!" He sputtered quickly, "Just a bit nervous for tonight."

"Awww that's adorable. Well, don't be! We'll have a great night, okay?"

Leo was sweating bullets. "I believe it! I think you'll really love dinner. It's one of my favorites. I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Okay! Bye cutie!" And with that, Malakai hung up.

Leo set down his phone. He felt frozen and for a few moments all he did was sit still and process his mistake.


Pent Up 🔒𖦹 ⋆。♡On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara