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April 2016 | Chicago, IL

"No, she can't wear that dress, she looks 6 months pregnant!" Keith exclaimed.

11 year old Kanari just stood there in shock, not knowing what to say. She looked at her mother with sad eyes, hoping she would defend her.

Erica's eyes widened as she was taken back by Keith's statement. "Baby why would you say that?! My sweetface looks nowhere near pregnant."

"Erica you know that girl is too damn big for her age, you need to put her on a fucking diet." Keith spat.

Deciding not to hear anymore slander, Kanari ran upstairs to bathroom and slammed the door. She looked in the mirror and tilted her head. She started to wonder why she was the way she was. As she let herself get in her thoughts, she couldn't do anything but cry.

Not only did she get bullied by Keith, she also got bullied by the kids at school. Being a juicier girl than the other girls at school, she was always getting talked about.

It was always the same old, "Why is your butt so big? Why do you have boobs? What is up with that stomach of yours?" It wasn't her fault that she developed a bit faster than other kids her age.

"Why me?" Kanari asked herself, nonstop tears flowing down her cheeks.

As she looked around the bathroom, her eyes landed on the razor that was hung up on the shower caddy.

She heard nothing but her mother and Keith arguing downstairs. Kanari felt that if her mother actually loved her, then she wouldn't have married Keith. Kanari felt neglected and disregarded by her mother every time Keith came around. It was like she wasn't even there.

Kanari picked up the razor and went straight for her thighs.

She heard the doorknob jingle, assuming it was nobody but Erica trying to sweet talk Kanari back into their good graces.

She just continued to cry harder as she cut herself. She kept cutting until she couldn't cut anymore. Slowly but surely making herself numb to the pain.

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