; new years qna for yall 😘‼️

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this will just be a fun asking questions chapter lol 👏👏 to celebrate the new years cause i have nothing else in my life (that actually just randomly made me feel disappointed 😨)


‼️ so what's your guys favorite troll? in any movie, or different favs for each movie 😋?

- my fav for all the movies is branch, mainly cuz he's voiced by justin tho 😭 i swear i am actually obsessed with that man..😥😓 the other day i was in the mall and his song 'mirrors' came on and i actually started breathing hard cause it made me so happy 😭 I NEVER REALIZED I WAS A BIG FANGIRL WHAT?..

‼️ who's your guys least favorite character? in the different movies 🤔

- i actually don't hate anyone from any of the movies, maybe that evil bergan chef in the first movie but that's it, how could i hate them 😭

‼️ which movie is your favorite out of them all?

- personally, i like them all, i'd say my least fav is the first, but it was still good. the third movie has amazing songs and a good plot, i loved the plot for the second movie but there wasn't that many good iconic songs 😕 and the christmas movie was silly and cute 🤭

‼️ which is your least favorite out of them all?

- i already answered mine 😋 but i still love the first movie, just not as good, y'know?

‼️ is there any character you became very fixated on?

- ..mines branch 💀 IL HIM BRO 😭

‼️ is there any moments that genuinely made you feel sad?

- bro i see so much branch angst edits it's not even funny 💀 and the sad thing is that they actually make me sad..BRO DESERVES SM BETTER.. 😰

‼️ favorite quotes throughout the movie?

- mine are:
"asking the tough questions guys..asking the tough questions 🤨" -clay
"BRANCH 🤬" -poppy
"junk in the trunk 🫢" -john 💀
"GUILTYY! 🤪" -clay
"the better question is...are you a narc?? 🤨🤨" -tiny diamond
ADDING ONTO THIS😝 (updated 😒)
"but i'm not gonna do it just for funzies 😠" -branch
"oh wait- it actually kinda looks nice- oooohhh 😍" -poppy
"bro bro going solo...yolo 😾" -john
"rusty robot..into wiggle warm 😋 (i forgot what he said in the next part) - yeahhh 😝!" -clay

‼️ scenes that really annoyed you/really stabbed you in your heart 💀

- no scene really annoyed me but when poppy and branch fought i was being STABBED to DEATH bro.. 😞

‼️ favorite duo? (couples or not couples 😋)

- i love poppy and branch 😍 and bruce and clay 🤭🤭 bruce and tiny diamond were lowkey giving father and son 🤨?? AND OBVIOUSLY VELVET AND VENEER‼️🙏⁉️

anyways, that's all the ones i can think of, if you guys have your own fun questions, ask away 😻👊

XOXO 💋 😘

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