Part 3 ~ Chapter 14

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The hatchling in question jumped and ran from Snotlout laughing while said Viking was drenched in blood and smelled like fish guts with some actual guts still on his body, his mace in hand as he chased the small Night Fury.

Hiccup sighed when he heard his cousin shout at the top of his lungs and he left the forge and blocked his son's path with his hands on his hips and an upset look. Toothless skidded to a halt and smiled nervously as he waved.

"H-hey Dad."

"Don't even start. What did you do this time?" Hiccup asked.

Before Toothless could answer, Snotlout came into Hiccup's line of sight. Hiccup gagged at the smell as the Jorgenson came over and covered his nose.

"Ugh! Snotlout, that's disgusting!"

"Tell that to your mischievous kid! He's the one who dumped all this on me!" Snotlout exclaimed as he gestured to his drenched form.

Toothless snorted as he tried to not laugh, but cleared his throat when Hiccup glared at him.

"What? He was hitting on Aunt Astrid again and wouldn't leave her alone, so I took it upon myself to get back at him." The eight-year-old explained.

Hiccup crossed his arms with a raised brow. "By covering him in fish guts and blood? Toothless, your aunt is very capable of handling herself. Now, apologize to Snotlout." He scolded as he pointed at his cousin.

Toothless groaned then looked at Snotlout. "I'm sorry for dumping fish guts and blood all over you."

Snotlout scoffed as he walked away and Hiccup sighed as he rubbed between his eyes.

"How-how did you even find that much, bud?" He asked.

"I snuck into the kitchens in the Great Hall.." Toothless said as he kicked the ground.

"No more sneaking in there, got it? Even if Snotlout deserved it." Hiccup said as he ruffled his son's hair.

Toothless laughed as he pushed his hand away and nodded. "Yes sir."

"Good. Now go on. Try not to get into any more trouble, alright?" Hiccup said as he ushered the hatchling away.

Toothless nodded as he ran off to go do who knows what and Hiccup shook his head with a smile as he went back into the forge.


Hiccup rested in the cove in dragon form while he kept an eye on his two hatchlings as they played together, Toothless also in his dragon form to make it more fair for his baby sister. The young Night Fury let out a heavy breath as he rested his head on his front paws as he watched, basking in the warm rays of the sun.

Without him even realizing, he slowly drifted off to sleep, his tail wrapped around his frame as a type of barrier. Hiccup only woke up and realized he had fallen asleep when he felt two bodies curl up against his side. He smiled sleepily and nuzzled both of their heads.

Kala purred happily and cuddled closer to him, her eyes drifting closed not a second later. Toothless had a similar reaction, but he didn't fall asleep.

"All that playing tuckered you two out, huh bud?" Hiccup asked with a soft smile.

Toothless nodded as he yawned and rested his head on his front paws like Hiccup had moments before. "Mhm.."

Hiccup's smile widened a bit as he draped his wing over the two hatchlings and laid his head down once more, drifting back into a dreamless sleep.


Hiccup's attention was torn away from the conversation he was having with Fishlegs as he heard growling and sighed when he saw his children having a tug-of-war over a large fish.

"Not again..." He sighed out.

Fishlegs looked over then raised a brow in confusion. "Do they do this often?"
"Oh yeah..especially if it's Icelandic cod or any kind of trout.." Hiccup explained then he looked back at his friend. "You might wanna cover your ears.."

Fishlegs did, not wanting to question why as he saw Hiccup take a deep breath. The young dragon then roared loudly and that got Toothless and Kala to freeze and look at him with wide eyes.

"Drop. It." Hiccup growled out and the two hatchlings dropped the fish and whined as they lowered their heads, their earplates flat against their heads.

Hiccup went over to them and tore the fish in half, giving a half to each of the hatchlings then crouching down to look at them better.

"Okay, why were you fighting over it this time?" He asked.

"Oofess wo sare!" Kala whined.

"Not true! You already had yours!" Toothless growled.

Hiccup pinched both of them by the earplates, which got them to yelp and whine. "Enough fighting. Toothless, you know you have to share with her when it's that big of a fish. And Kala, I know you like cod just as much as your brother and I do, but you can't try and take it away from him if you don't have any alright?"

Toothless nodded in understanding as he got free of his father's hold. "Yes sir.."

Kala whined and nodded. "Oay..."

Hiccup smiled softly and let go of Kala's earplate, then he rubbed both their heads. "Thank you. Now eat those halves and go play." He said as he stood and went back over to his friend.

Toothless and Kala's tails swayed happily as they ate the fish then they rushed outside to play.



The young dragon jumped and dropped the metal he was working on out of shock. He yelped as it hit his foot and he rubbed it to soothe the pain as he glared at who could have possibly shouted his name.


Astrid came into his line of sight looking rather upset. "Come get your reckless son! He's fighting with one of Stormfly's kids again!"

Hiccup groaned as he took his work apron off and left the forge with his sister, transforming into his dragon form as she led him to where Toothless was fighting the other hatchling. When the two hatchlings came into view, Hiccup walked over calmly and picked Toothless up by the tail. The Night Fury hatchling thrashed and hissed as he tried to get free, but Hiccup wasn't having it.

Hiccup growled and that got Toothless to freeze and whine as his earplates went flat against his head. The elder dragon huffed in annoyance as he looked at his son, who gave an apologetic look.

"H-hey Dad..h-how's it goin'..?" Toothless tried, but he pursed his maw shut when he saw the glare his father gave him.

Astrid picked up the Deadly Nadder hatchling and looked him over for any injuries, sighing in relief when she didn't see any. "Thank the gods..I do not wanna deal with an upset Stormfly.."

She then gave Hiccup a thankful nod as she made her way back to her hut, which he returned with a small one as he went the other way.

Hiccup then dropped Toothless onto the porch of their hut and sat on his haunches while glaring at the hatchling.

Toothless whined and averted eye contact as he shrank down to appear smaller.

"Explain. Now." Hiccup growled, which only made Toothless shrink down further.

"He made fun of Kala..."

Hiccup sighed and nudged him towards the door. "Get inside. We'll talk about this later, alright? I have to get back to the forge. If I hear you snuck out, you'll get more than just a scolding, do you understand?"

Toothless nodded with a whimper and Hiccup nuzzled his head as he ushered him into the hut. The hatchling went inside obediently and Hiccup let out a heavy sigh as he made his way back down the hill.


HTLANF AU: How to Raise Your Night FuriesWhere stories live. Discover now