84. I am Going To Kill Him

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Alessia closed her eyes, annoyance clear in her expression when she heard her brother's voice.

"I am going to kill him." She gritted out.

"He was just doing his job." Mateo said as he took a seat next to him.

"Why are you not with River and the twins?" She asked.

"They are at home with Lia and Enzo." He shrugged.

Alessia nodded and they both fell into an uncomfortable silence. They never had any heart to heart talk before because of who they were, and how they were. They were siblings but they did not have the kind of bond that normal siblings did and the background they came from had everything to do with it.

"You should go back." Alessia said finally.

"I am not going home without you, Sia." He said.

"Why?" She turned to him. "Why do you care?"


"Nope." Alessia held up a hand to stop him from any more talking. "You are years too late to be talking and justifying now."

"Sia, you know I am sorry."

"Yeah, I do. Except, now I don't give a fuck!"

Mateo took a deep breath. Of course she was never going to listen to him, nor was she ever going to forgive any of them for how her life had turned out. Yes, she was an amazing woman, unlike any other, but the price she had to pay for this new identity of hers was just too great and painful that it was more of a curse to her than a blessing.

"Won't you come home for River and the twins?" It was a dirty card to play but it was also the only card he had up his sleeve so he had to use it, and he was not ashamed of it.

Alessia let out a deep exasperated sigh and turn to her brother.

"Really?" She almost sounded American when she said it.

He just shrugged, a small smile on his face.

"Fine..." She breathed out. She didn't like staying away from her niece and nephew and she did not want River having another panic attack because of this, because she knew that no matter how strong that orthopedic surgeon was, she still couldn't help the overthinking and the following panic attacks.

Mateo smiled to himself, happy with the outcome.

"Let's go home."




River rolled her eyes when she heard from Alessia what Mateo had said to get her to come home.

She wondered when the brother and sister were going to finally talk it out and get the whole incident behind them instead of just making excuses and beating around the bushes.

She also knew that she was team Alessia on this one because she was the one who went through hell and back because her elder brother didn't stand up for her when she really really needed him.

"Eat this." River placed the sandwich in front of the hitwoman.

"Thanks Doc, you make the best sandwiches." Alessia said gratefully as she took a huge bite from her turkey sandwich, moaning loudly while River laughed. "You make the best of anything, if you ask me." She added with her mouth full.

"Thanks." River chuckled.

The twins and Mateo went out for ice cream and Victor was going to be here in half an hour so that she could go back for a six hour shift from eight to two before she got back and went for the morning shift at nine, where she would start seeing outpatients again. Her schedule was starting to look like the old one and River was all the happier for it.

"You are glowing." Alessia noted, after watching River almost dance around the kitchen for a few more moments.

"Nothing makes a surgeon happier than being back in the ER." River turned to the Italian goddess with a bright smile on her face. Alessia laughed out loud – it was not everyday that you meet a woman who was happy and glowing because of her extreme work schedule.

"I am glad that you get to go back to what you love." She said sincerely. "The past few months you were nothing but a mother. And I hate to think of you as just that. It's a waste of potential."

River smiled as she nodded. Most people would not clearly understand the meaning behind the words that Alessia had spoken but River understood very clearly because she had lived it.

She loved her children. There was no question regarding it. But being their mother and only that was just not who she was. She was a surgeon just as much as she was a mother. All of these were parts of the jigsaw puzzle which made her who she was and if any of it was taken away, then no matter how much anyone tried, she always felt empty, the missing part calling out to her.

Dr. River Johnson. That was who she was.

Mommy of Lucas and Kiara. That was also her.

And these were two parts of herself that she would not give up for the world. She would compromise with the other parts of her identities but she could not with these.




"Papa, pick me up!" Kiara whined as Mateo laughed, picking both of his kids up and placing them on each of his shoulders.

He scrunched his face when a drop of ice cream from Lucas' cone fell on his shirt but that really did not matter more than his children's happiness, now did it?

"Papa, I can walk!" Lucas whined, wishing for the opposite of his twin sister.

Mateo rolled his eyes as he lowered to the ground and helped Lucas off of him. These two were so different yet so similar, and so much like their parents.

In short, they were perfect and Mateo was the proud father of such a perfect pair of children.

"Where to next, bambini?" Mateo asked his babies.

"Can we go back home?" Kiara asked. "If mommy hasn't left yet."

"Mommy will be gone by the time we get back honey." Mateo pouted as he looked up at his little girl.

"Oh." Kiara really was a mommy's little girl. She always needed her mother away.

Lucas, on the other hand, was at the border. Nobody was exactly sure whose side he was on.

He loved both his parents and talked to and about both of them the same way.

"Then let's go to the beach?" Lucas asked.

"Sure." Mateo smiled.

"I want cotton candy!" Kiara exclaimed.

"Sure." Mateo laughed.

He walked over to the car, holding Lucas' hand and Kiara on his shoulder and helped them to their seats. He buckled them in and walked over to the driver's seat.

He was about to open the door when a strong force threw him off his feet, and he landed on his back.

His eyes widened when he heard the loud sound of vehicles colliding. He looked up to see a blurry image of his car, the crying face of Lucas and then red spots blinded him until all he saw was darkness.





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