Chapter 27

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The final buzzer was like music to my ears. The crowd were up and out of their seats, the roar of cheering rattling me to my bones. I dropped my stick, striding away from the net to meet my teammates at center ice. Padded bodies engulfed me as we threw our arms over each other. We'd done it–we were going to the Frozen Four.

"We did it again, fuckers!" Booker shouted, patting Cole on the top of his helmet. As serious as he was most of the time, even he managed to crack a smile.

"Frozen Four, here we come," McKinley said. His brown eyes crinkled at the corners as he grinned.

A short victory lap later and we were collecting our forgotten equipment and heading off of the ice. The surge of adrenaline that I had been fanning all game coursed through my veins as I made my way down the tunnel and into the locker room.

"Great game, boys!" I shouted, my voice echoing off the walls as my teammates poured in after me.

"You're one to talk, Tate! You were unstoppable tonight," Maverick pointed out as he slapped me on the back.

I tugged my jersey over my head, flashing him a Cheshire grin. "Had to close off my college hockey career with a bang."

Ella's bracelet gleamed under the overhead lighting–a string of captured fireflies. The kind that lit up the darkest of nights. It was back on my wrist. She had given it to me before the big game, thinking it would do more good for me than it would for her sitting in the stands. The thin metal was a comforting reminder. I brushed my fingers over the smooth links, the smile spreading across my face. I couldn't have done any of this without her.

"Hey." McKinley pointed at me from his locker. "Your job isn't done yet. I don't want to see you slacking off now. That goes for all of you."

"Yes, Cap!" Booker barked, sending him a military salute.

I shook my head, smile unwavering. The guy couldn't be serious if his life depended on it.

Coach Miller clapped his hands as he entered the room. The charcoal gray designer suit hugged his frame. "I'm proud of each and every one of you. You worked hard for this."

A chain of gratitude erupted from around the room. The rest of the team was clearly just as jazzed as I was.

"Alright," he said, settling us as if we were back in middle school. "Let's get cleaned up. Celebrate tonight, but come back tomorrow ready to skate your asses off. We've got a lot of work ahead of us to prepare for the Frozen Four." Coach clapped his hands together one more time before retreating to his office.

The atmosphere in the room was electric even as some of the guys went to hit the showers. Our bodies were exhausted, but our spirits were sky-high. I spent a little more time under the water than necessary, allowing the steam to soften the ache in my shoulders. When I stepped out, Booker whipped at my covered ass with a coiled towel.

"Way to use up all the hot water," he joked before slipping into the cubicle.

I stifled a laugh as I made the short track back to my locker.

"We got our chance, man," McKinley said as he sat down beside me. His dress pants were already around his waist. At this point, I think we were both itching to get out of there.

I buffed my wet head with a towel. "If you asked me whether we were going to make it back in December I would have laughed in your face. We've come so far since the beginning of the season."

"We really turned things around." McKinley nodded, staring at his clasped hands, hovering above his knees.

I noticed the way his smile dropped. "Then why are you acting like someone ran over your dog?"

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