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As the day wore on, Ishita couldn't shake the whirlwind of emotions swirling within her. She found herself replaying her conversation with Ruhan over and over in her mind, trying to make sense of the sudden revelation. In the midst of her thoughts, Ishita's phone buzzed with a message from Ruhan, breaking her reverie. "Meet us at the Lover's café after class," it read, followed by an address and a time.

With a resigned sigh, Ishita tucked her phone away and refocused her attention on the lecture at hand. But try as she might, her mind kept drifting back to the impending meeting with Ruhan and his newfound love interest.

Meanwhile, Abhimanyu's thoughts were consumed by a different kind of turmoil. As he sat in class, his mind replayed his conversation with Aditya, the bitterness of betrayal still fresh in his mind. He couldn't understand how Aditya could keep such a significant secret from him, especially considering their close friendship.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the day's classes, Ishita and Abhimanyu found themselves heading to the Lover's café where they were to meet Ruhan and Aditya. Each step weighed heavily on their hearts, uncertainty and apprehension gnawing at their resolve.

Upon arriving at the café, Ishita and Abhimanyu spotted Ruhan and Aditya sitting at a table near the window. With a deep breath, they approached cautiously, their emotions bubbling beneath the surface.

"Hey," Ishita greeted them, her voice tinged with forced cheerfulness.

"Hi" Abhimanyu echoed, his tone guarded.

Ruhan and Aditya exchanged a nervous glance before gesturing for Ishita and Abhimanyu to take a seat. As they settled in around the table, an awkward silence descended upon them, tension thick in the air.

"So," Ishita began, breaking the silence, "You must be Aditya."

Aditya nodded, a sheepish smile playing at his lips. "Yeah, that's me. It's nice to finally meet you, Ishita."

Ishita returned his smile politely before turning her attention to Ruhan. "And you're the one who's stolen my best friend's heart," she teased, though her tone held a hint of sarcasm.

Ruhan winced, sensing the underlying tension in Ishita's words. "Ishita, I know this is a lot to take in, but—"

"But nothing," Ishita interrupted, her frustration boiling over. "You should have told me about this, Ruhan. You know how important our friendship is to me."

Ruhan hung his head, guilt weighing heavily on his shoulders. "I'm sorry, Ishita. I just didn't know how to—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Ishita held up her hand, silencing him. "Save it, Ruhan. Let's just enjoy our coffee and try to move past this, okay?"

With a heavy sigh, Ruhan nodded, grateful for Ishita's willingness to forgive.

Meanwhile, Abhimanyu and Aditya sat across from each other, he says in an awkward tone " I am okay with this relationship as long as you guys are happy"

As they finished their drinks and prepared to part ways, Ruhan couldn't shake the feeling of sadness that lingered in his heart. because Ishita was not saying anything about their relationship.

As Ishita and Ruhan stood outside the café, the weight of their conversation still hanging in the air, Ishita's heart softened as she looked at her friend.

Unable to contain her emotions any longer, she stepped forward and enveloped Ruhan in a tight hug, her arms wrapping around him in a gesture of forgiveness and understanding.

"I forgive you this time," she whispered into his ear, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "But never make the mistake of not telling me again. And I'm genuinely happy for you, Ruhan."

Ruhan's eyes widened in surprise at Ishita's words, a wave of relief washing over him as he realized that he hadn't lost his best friend after all. Tears welled up in his eyes as he returned her embrace, the weight of his guilt lifting from his shoulders.

"I thought I would lose you," Ruhan confessed, his voice choking with emotion.

Ishita pulled back slightly, her hand coming up to gently cup Ruhan's cheek. "You could never lose me, silly," she said with a soft laugh, her eyes shining with affection. "We're in this together, remember?"

With a playful swat to Ruhan's arm, Ishita broke the tension, her laughter ringing out into the evening air. And as their friends joined in, the tension that had hung over them evaporated, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding.

As they walked away from the café, Ishita couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the bond she shared with Ruhan. Their friendship had weathered its fair share of storms, but in the end, their love and loyalty to each other had prevailed.

And as they looked ahead to the future, Ishita knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always have each other's backs. With Ruhan by her side, she felt confident that they could overcome anything that came their way.


As Abhimanyu stood outside the café with them, his gaze drifted towards Ishita, Ruhan's best friend, who had just forgiven Ruhan for his secret relationship. There was something about her that caught his attention—a natural grace, a genuine warmth that seemed to radiate from within. As she laughed and joked with Ruhan, her smile lighting up her face, Abhimanyu found himself unable to look away.

He couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards Ishita, a feeling that had been growing stronger with each passing moment. Her kindness, her strength, her unwavering loyalty to her friend—all of it only deepened his admiration for her.

Lost in his thoughts, Abhimanyu couldn't help but smile softly as he observed Ishita. How could someone be so beautiful, both inside and out? It was a question that lingered in his mind as he tried to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions swirling within him.

But as Ishita caught his eye and returned his smile with a small nod of acknowledgement, Abhimanyu felt a warmth spread through him—a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, there was something more waiting for him on the horizon. And Abhimanyu couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected twists and turns that life had brought his way.

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That all for today, thankyou for reading
author ita

Instagram: itaawrites

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