Gakusode: Destroy the Boredom! Plus Ultra Style!

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Kirishima pouted, eyes watching his other classmates leave with Aizawa and Winters to another part of New York for a day out. For the past few weeks, Winters-sensei has been taking his classmates out to see her world. Every week she would find a different place than the ones that the previous group visited, and she would take the new group to a different location. As happy as he was to be one of the first students in the group to go out and explore Winters's world, he couldn’t help but feel a little envious of his other classmates.

From the places they’ve been to, they sound super fun. For heaven’s sake, they even went to a full-blown concert! Kirishima isn’t one to get jealous, but if he has to hear Mina talk about the band one more time, he might actually cry.

“Make sure to stay safe! Yaoyarozu and I will keep watch over the students!” Kirishima heard Iida yell out as Winters-sensei and the others drove away.

Kirishima sighed as he deflated onto the couch of the living room, causing Kaminari to look over at him and raise an eyebrow.

“Dude, you good?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, it’s nothing,” Kirishima gave a short, sheepish smile before it dropped from his face.

Mina gave the boy a confused look, and when she saw the small pout on his lips, a small snicker came out of her mouth.

“Pft, what’s got you all pouty today?”

“It’s nothing!” Kirishima pouted again as he sat himself upright, “just don’t mind me okay? I’m just feeling a little off today, that’s all.”

Kirishima’s friends gave him a look. Sero tilted his head slightly. Bakugo was scrolling through his phone next to them, but he swiped slowly as his eyes occasionally flickered over to the red-haired boy next to him.

Kirishima said nothing while his friends stared at him. Knowing he wasn’t going to say anything, Mina said a drawled out ‘okay’ before speaking.

“So you know the lead singer of the band we saw? I actually-”

“Minaaaaaaa!” Kirishima whined. He slid down the couch limply as his eyes remained glued to the ceiling.

Said girl blinked at the response, but before she could say anything, Kirishima continued.

“Damnit,” the boy sighed, “no offense to Winters-sensei, but I honestly feel kind of stuck.”

“Stuck?” Mina asked.

At the same time, Sero and Kaminari looked at each other, then to the depressed Kirishima.

Kaminari sighed too. “Yeah, no kidding.”

Sero gave them both a raised eyebrow before his eyes narrowed. “Hey, at least both of you got to go out first. I still haven’t had the chance yet!”

“Yeah, but at least you’ll be next eventually. Winters-sensei is letting everyone take turns. Who knows how long it will be before we get a chance again.”

Next to them, Mina’s lips formed into the shape of an ‘o’. She wasn’t really understanding what they were talking about, but once Sero talked, she could see what they were saying. Although, when they started to complain, she scoffed lightly.

“Why don’t you guys just find something to do then? You know, you don't always have to be playing videogames. Go watch a movie or go outside and do something.”

“Quit whining and go train! You dumbasses are getting flabby!” Bakugo joined.

Kaminari's mouth fell open. He put a hand to his chest and quickly stood up.

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