1. The End

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Tik tik tik..

Along with the ticking sound of the rancid water, dripping from the abandoned septic tank, the originally bright and energetic eyes, dimmed little by little.

In a dark underground tank, converted as her cage room, she's been living in, for three months.

She smiled bitterly as her stomach growled in hunger. Ironically, a space powerhouse like her will actually die of hunger.

From the first day she was dumped in this dark and filthy prison, every passing day is worst than death.

No matter how she thinks about it, she couldn't think of a reason why her subordinates she cultivated, betrayed her, her adopted family whom she protected, stole everything from her, and her best friend and lover, she trusted the most, cheated on her.

She waited and waited for them. Even just one person is enough, but no one came. Yesterday she completely accepted the truth, so she doesn't bother to wait any longer.

Just yesterday, they forced her in the lab, like a rat for dissection. How sweet their smiles were, when they extracted her power core from her, while she's still awake.

Those beasts, she would never forgive, until death.

Death, hmm..death. Word that I used to fear, but now impatient to grip.

I want to die. I wanted to...for a long time.

I could feel it approaching me, every ticking second, I could feel my heartbeat slowing down. It's finally time.

I feel liberated. I feel free.

Instead of tears and fear, there's only smiles on my tired and boney face.


I was about to close my eyes and succumb to eternal rest, when a sudden explosion opened a hole on the top part of the tank.

I immediately closed my eyes because of the light beam from the hole.

I don't have enough time to think or hide, when a muscular arms embraced my embarrassed and dirty body.

I instinctively fought back, but after the extraction of my ability, I got pitifully weak and helpless. I punched and bit but couldn't budge the sturdy, iron-like embrace.

I smiled bitterly. Is my humiliation not enough? Do they still want to insult her? A self-defiant feeling forced a steady stream of tears from my eyes.

Please, God. Let me die..

I prayed. And just like my countless prayers for ten years, it remains unheard.

I was about to bit my tongue, when a callous hand gripped my jaw and forcefully tilted my face up.

"Hush.. it's okay, little tigress. I got you now. Don't worry, I will take you away from here" a familiar cold but surprisingly gentle voice, spoke above me. I opened my eyes and was stunned instantly.

Major General Alexander Liam Calum. The youngest genius with countless achievements in the army. From a family of generals for generations. Rich, Powerful and a Bachelor. After Apocalypse, he singlehandedly erected the strongest base in the country, earning him both prestige and admiration.

As they were both a base leader, they often communicate and meet with each other, but their interactions always end up with debate and fights.

She also couldn't understand, why a cold taciturn person like Liam, always contradict her every decision. He always say that she's too emotional and easy to manipulate. Before she didn't understand, but perhaps, she now do.

End Time's Hoarding Master Returns (Hiding.Billions.of.Supplies.In.Space)Where stories live. Discover now