Chapter 28

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Nila's POV

I can't believe I was so stupid! How could they do this to us we had plans an-

*Knock Knock*

"Who is it", I roll my eyes in annoyance. After a bit of knocking, there's just silence lingering in the air. I huff then get off my bed, head to the door, and open it to see Cody standing helplessly in front of me.

I cross my arms glaring at him with my tear-stained face. While looking at him I noticed his eyes aren't normal. Low key it's creeping me out.

"What's up with your eyes", I ask, and he's still standing there staring at me with a frown. "Cody listen I-".

"I'm not Cody", I freeze at the deepness of his voice. He walks into my room and shuts the door then locks it. I start to get really nervous and back away. He stalks closer to me and by the time I know it my back is against the wall and I notice I'm breathing heavily. I swallow the rock in my throat and I can see him looking down at me. In that instant, he places his head in the crook of my neck and I freeze. 

I can feel a hot teardrop run down my face and my heart crashing in my chest. "C-Cody-"

"Axel, my name is Axel", I hear him say in the crook of my neck and my eyes widen. I can feel him sniffing me? He takes a deep breath in and lets it out. 

"W-who's Axel?", I ask .

"I'm Cody's wolf and I would never hurt you", the way he speaks makes my heart flutter out of nowhere and I slightly relax. 

"May I hug you baby?", I hear him ask and I contemplate whether to let that that happen. 

"uh y-y-yeah s-sure go ahead", Immediately as soon as I gave him permission he removed his hands off the wall that was caging me in and gave me the tightest hug. The weird sensation of sparks swarmed my body and I was completely relaxed. What's odd was he was using such intense strength to hug me but it was painless, instead it was comforting as if he was hugging something so fragile.

I closed my eyes and slowly raised my hands and I hugged him back. I felt Axel relax even more and took even deeper breaths. I didn't hear him say it but I could tell by his actions and breaths that he was sorry and full of regret.

"Woah! H-hey!", in that split second Axel lifted me against the wall and wrapped my legs around his waist. He then connected our foreheads and purred. As for me I was too stunned and had my eyes shut cause ONE this is crazy and TWO this is the most contact I've had with a guy or any guy matter of fact! My heart is pounding fast!

"Baby look at me", if I could blush I would. I slowly open my eyes,  and look at Axel, and give a sheepish smile. 

"Good girl", I hear Axel whispers against my lips. Again good thing blushes are hard to see on me. Just as we're about to close the gap between our lips...

*Knock Knock*

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