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Once they approached Eunji's family house, her parents are already standing beside the open wide gate.

"Just park it there. " She says, pointing to the area beside the mini fountain.

After parking the car, Eunji gets out of his car and came face to face with her parents who approached the car.

Her mom is already giving her the looks which made her roll her eyes.

Oh no, please don't.

She internally pleads. She shut her eyes tightly when the sound of car door opening and closing was heard. She doesn't need to look behind to know Jake is already walking towards them.

"Good morning, mr and mrs. "Jake politely greeted, making the two married couple playfully look at their daughter.

Eunji sighed, shaking her head.

"Oh hello there, young man. Are you Eunji's boyfriend? "

The what?!

"Mom! " Eunji butted in, giving her mom the looks. "No, he is not my boyfriend. "

"He's just my friend! " She added.

Mr. Shin cleared his throat. "Is that true? " He asked, glancing to Jake.

Jake looked at Eunji who is having a mental breakdown from embarrassment. He smiled. "Yes, sir. Just..."

"Friends. " He didn't tear his gaze from her as  he said those. It's as if you could immediately tell the lies behind his words.

"See? " Eunji sighed in relief. "Anyway, mom dad, this is umm Jake. Jake, meet my parents. "

Jake, once again, greeted them politely with a warm smile while bowing his head. And that's the only time Eunji witnessed him, smiling up close.

She swallowed, shaking the forming thoughts in her head.

"Mom, dad. Jake needs to go. " She looked at him, feeling guilty and sorry. "Right, Jake? "

Jake immediately got what Eunji wanted to tell him that's why he agreed.

Eunji's parents insisted of him staying for the night but after Eunji explaining that he'll go to his grandparents' house which is also in Busan, they finally let him go.

Jake bid them goodbye before leaving their place. Eunji's parents gave her the looks. Especially her mom as they went inside the house.

"If he's not your boyfriend, make him your boyfriend. Don't settle for being just friends. "

Eunji just rolled her eyes to her mom.

I can't. He's way too out of my league, I hope you know that mom.

She replied in her mind.

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