Trusting the wrong Guy

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The time has come. The last 3 sacred sacrifices should be done before the Full Bloody Moon rises for 3 nights.

As we saw in the S1, Christ, Kee and Tom were going to the forest to save the stolen son, defeat the evil, stop the sacrifices and close the case. But what happened when they met Thomas?

Thomas is the evil spirit who is making sacrifices. Why? We'll soon know. Tom is his servant and an X military sergeant.

When Tom took Christ and Kee to the forest, his master (Thomas) was waiting for them.

When Tom took Christ and Kee to the forest, his master (Thomas) was waiting for them

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Tom: Master, it has been a long time. (He bowed to him in reverence)
Thomas: You finally came with your 2 sacrifices. Good job.
Christ + Kee: Sacrifices? What sacrifices? (Looked to each other and then to Tom)
Tom: (while looking at them in secret with fear) Master, we should move now before the time passes. The moon will rise soon.

On their way there, and in order to catch that evil, they followed them. But they haven't any idea that they are the ones who will be sacrificed.

Christ: I have a bad feeling about this.
Kee: Same here. Let's run away from them and come back with the police.
Christ: I am in, but let's put a plan B in case of urgent.

While thinking deeply and wisely in plan B, they reached the chosen place without noticing

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While thinking deeply and wisely in plan B, they reached the chosen place without noticing.

Master: Tom, you did a good job till now. Continue your work and prepare them before the Full Moon rises. I will be back in 5 minutes.
Tom: Yes master. I will for sure.

Kee: What are you doing? Did you lied to us?
Christ: Are you realy going to kill us?
Tom: Take this. After you drink it, you won't feel anyting. Trust me, it's better for both of you to do what I am telling you and to not try to run away.

Kee: Why should we trust you?
Tom: Because you trusted me from the start.
Christ: What is this botte? Agh! It stinks.
Tom: It's a drug poision. It makes you sleep deeply without feeling anything and you'll be like a real dead person.
Kee: What? I won't take it.
Christ: What is your guarantee that we will succeed after taking these pills? We have a bad feeling about this and you. You seem to be double-faced, double-minded and a traitor.
Thomas: Tom, are you done?
Tom: Not yet Master. I need more 2 min master. (To Christ and Kee) Listen, when I told you to trust me, you did without even thinking I might be a traitor. Why now? We agreed to do as I tell you. We should hurry. The time is fleeing and you also won't get the chance to save your son nor capture my master and close this case if you keep asking.

Christ believed him and drank it so he can be the first one to save Kee, his son and close this case asap. He was afraid from the inside but looked at Kee with happy eyes in order to calm her down. And suddenly, the master came, took his sword and killed Christ from the back while praying to the Bloody Moon.

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