The Show Must Go On

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Buster is wearing one of Eddie's oversized T-shirts and watches the TV on an inflatable raft in Eddie's pool house. Eddie snores loudly on the sofa bed behind him. Discarded pizza boxes and clothes litter the floor. "Um, yeah, Buster Moon certainly brought down the house once and for all today. And, although Mr. Moon has not been available for questions, unconfirmed reports suggest he was responsible for building a water tank that exploded and flooded the building. I've been told the 250 squids who had been part of Moon's display are in fact employees of 3-star restaurant Les Calamars, and that none of them were harmed during the incident. Whether they will be returning to their usual work is not yet—" There are some knocks from the pool house doors, but the blinds are drawn. "Eddie? There's someone at the door." Eddie snores. More knocks turns Buster's head to the silhouettes of the cast. Buster turns the TV off. "Oh, no." he said. "Mr. Moon?" Miss Crawly asked. Buster stands, concerned they will still be angry. "Come on, Moon, you can't just hide out in your buddy's pool house." Ash said.

"Yeah, we just wanted to make sure you and (Y/n) are all right, that's all." Rosita said. Buster sheepishly opens the door. "Hey, Mr. Moon." Rosita said. "You and (Y/n) okay?" Johnny asked with concern, and Buster sighs. "(Y/n)'s not here." He said, and Johnny's eyes widened. "Wha... what? Then where is she?" Johnny asked with concern. "I don't know. I haven't seen her since I yelled at her. She's probably still mad at me. Guys, look, w—w- we're sorry about what happened, and the prize money and..." Buster said. "Oh, it's okay." Rosita said. "No, none of this is okay." Buster said. "At least we're all in one piece." Ash said. "Yeah, and you know what, I bet we can find some other place to put the show on. Once we find (Y/n), Right?" Rosita asked. "The show? Guys, we're done." Buster said. "Are you serious?" Johnny asked. "What do you mean, done? Come on!" Ash scolded. Buster grabs a crumpled newspaper from the floor: He's headline news. "Didn't you see this? Huh? Look, it says I am a danger to society. There's no point in looking for (Y/n).

I'm not fit enough to be her father, I never was." Buster said. "Bah!" Gunter said. "Oh, come on, you don't believe all that." Rosita said. "Yeah, I do." He makes to close the door but Johnny pulls it open. "Listen, you're not the only one who lost something here. We all did." Johnny said, and the group agrees. "I mean, I lost any chance of ever speaking to my dad again over this show. And if you decide to give (Y/n) up, you won't be the the only one who will lose her." Johnny said. Buster forces the door closed. "Sorry." He said. "Oh, Mr. Moon, don't..." Miss Crawly said. Johnny re opens the door. "You're seriously just gonna give up on her?" Johnny asked, slightly angry, and Buster turns to him. "I told you, I'm not suitable enough to be a parent. She deserves someone better.

Maybe one of you guys can adopt her." Buster said. "One of us?" Johnny asked in disbelief. "She's already been through the pain of losing her parents once, Buster. Don't make her go through that again." Johnny said. "She didn't lose them, they abandoned her." Buster said, and the gang's eyes widened. "What?" Johnny asked quietly, and Buster sighs. "It was a long time ago, but one night I found her as a baby just abandoned on the street, and she was terrified. I looked around to see if anyone else was around but she was alone, so I took her in and got the rights to adopt her." Buster said,

and everyone was left stunned. "Wow." Rosita said. "Poor (Y/n)." Ash said, and Johnny felt rage begin to boil within him. "Who would do something like that? And now you're going to do the same thing?" Johnny asked angrily. "You may not be her true father, but that doesn't matter. What does is that you've always been there for her and that's what a real father does. I'm sure she'll forgive you if you find her and apologize. She won't care about any of this other stuff." Johnny said. Buster looks at the gang with untrusting eyes, then shakes his head. "I'm sorry, no." He said. The group look at him in disbelief. "Ah, forget about it." Johnny said. "What is this? I don't understand." Gunter said. "Come on, let's get out of here." Buster lays on his air bed.

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