My oc!

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Name - Vas

Gender - Female

Species - Mount Rageon and techno troll

Eye color - Yellow

Hair color - Bright green

Age - 17 depending on the rp

Crush - Veneer

Occupation - An assistant of velvet and Veneer, she acquired this job after she was caught trying to steal floyd and was given an ultimatum either jail or an assistant.

Hair length - Long down to about middle of her back

Clothes - A black plush sweater and mint green shorts or black shorts depending on what she's doing.

Personality - A sweet girl with high levels of anxiety. She usually keeps to herself but isn't afraid to help out a friend.

Friends - Veneer, velvet, floyd

Family -


Nicknames - Kitten (by velvet) , theft (by many) , honey , puffin

Likes - Music, sweet treats, Nighttime lights, cuddling, warm blankets.

Hates - Loud noises , psychical touch , yelling , being close to someone,

Backstory -
Vas, a generally quiet and introverted girl, tended to keep to herself, largely due to her persistent high anxiety. Her preferred method of navigating the outside world involved donning a black hoodie and drowning out reality with loud headphones. Despite harboring a deep love for dancing and singing, her severe stage fright made pursuing them a challenge.

However, Vas's routine took an unexpected turn when she caught wind of a distressing situation involving a troll's captive sibling. Driven by empathy and a desire to alleviate suffering, she pledged to assist in the rescue mission. Little did she know that this mission would unveil a shocking revelation, the beloved pop stars, Velvet and Veneer, were the culprits behind the kidnapping.

Undeterred by the revelation, Vas embarked on a covert mission to free the captive, Floyd. Sneaking into the pop stars' lair multiple times, she faced the formidable challenge of eluding the ever-watchful twins who guarded their captive troll closely. Despite her determination, success remained elusive, and Vas found herself in a gripping tale of personal courage and the pursuit of justice against unexpected adversaries.

Kinks - (Only pm me for these if needed)

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