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ELIJAH KEPT HIS EYES ON ATHENA AS HE STOOD ON THE TOP OF THE STAIRS. He couldn't believe he was really seeing her. The woman who was like his everything. The woman who had shown him that he could love again. The woman who loved him for all his faults. She was standing right in front of him. But her eyes were void and heartless as they stared back at him. Because she didn't remember him. She didnt remember the memories they made together.

All because he made his brother compel her. And now it was impossible for her to get her memories back, unless he brought Klaus to her and that was not happening. Elijah had changed his thoughts on his brother since he dropped their family's bodies in the ocean. He took everything he had and now Elijah was left with nothing but a shell.

He hoped that when he killed Klaus, she would get her memories back. Elijah wasn't sure if she would hate him when she saw him though. Because he left her. He took her memories and he ran. Because he was scared to put her in danger. And now she was here in front of him and he wanted desperately to run to her and kiss her. But he couldn't.

All he could do was stare. His eyes then moved to the woman standing beside her. The doppelganger. Elijah didn't believe she existed but here she was. And she was with Athena. It was almost like the universes way of bringing them together. Elijah just wished they were really together again.

Elijah decided to focus on the task at hand and realize that Athena was but a stranger to him now. He sped over to them causing Elena to gasp while as Athena had only glared. He leaned toward Elena's neck, smelling the blood.
"Human. It's impossible." Elijah mutters,  pulling back a bit, a small smirk forming on his lips. "Hello there." He says as he looks down at Elena.

Elena felt her breathing increase as she looked back at him. But suddenly, Athena was in front of her, her hand pushing Elijah back slightly. Now, if it was anyone else their head would already be gone. But it wasn't just anybody. It was her. "Back away from her."  Athena threatens as she narrows her eyes.

Elijah almost faltered but he kept the smirk on his face. He couldn't just go back to the way things were, he had to act like they had never met before. He had to be the Elijah she probably heard about. So, he stepped forward, staring down at her. "Are you challenging me?" He asks her, raising an eyebrow.

Athena just scoffs as she crosses her arms against her chest. "You'll have to kill me if you want to take her." Elijah tried not to clench his jaw at her statement. Because he could never kill her. He could never even harm her so it would make matters difficult if she decided to attack him.

"Athena, it's okay." Elena says, grabbing the womans arm and pulling her back. She didnt want Athena to get harmed because of her. Stefan wasn't going to lose his sister when he just got her back.
"Please, don't hurt her, she's just trying to help me." She pleads with Elijah who glances at her before his eyes go to Rose.

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