Chapter 3

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It was the afternoon and Alanna usually spent her afternoon reading. As she was reading she heard a knock on her door. She had figured it was Sherlock to tell her that Enola was leaving so she rushed down the stairs and opened the door. "Sherlock." Alanna said

"Enola is gone. Has she wrote to you? Informed you on where she has went?" Sherlock asked coming into her home uninvited.

"What no. Last I had spoken to Enola was yesterday afternoon after Mrs Harrison's visit."

"I do not know where she has went. I am quite worried."

"Enola is a smart girl, Sherlock, I am sure whatever she has planned she has thought of it very carefully." Alanna informs Sherlock.

"Would you like to help me?" Sherlock asks Alanna. "I beg your pardon?" Alanna furrows her brows

"Help me find Enola. You have spent more time with her than anyone else, you could help me." Sherlock says grabbing her hands "Will you?"

"I will." Alanna agrees "After all, I am smarter than you Sherlock Holmes." Alanna smirked

"I don't believe you are Alanna Alexander." Sherlock smiled "Now hurry, and change into some more appropriate clothes and we shall get on our way." Sherlock told the girl "Of course."

"So now, we've lost them both" Alanna said touching the flowers "I presume they have no clue as to where she's gone, Mrs. Lane?" Sherlock asked "No, they found her bicycle." Mrs. Lane told the detective

"Planted so as to send us in the wrong direction." Sherlock said and Alanna looked at him with furrowed brows "This isn't as fun as you might think, Master Sherlock. She has your wits. She runs rings around me just as easily as you once did, but..." Mrs Lane then stopped

"Yes?" Sherlock and Alanna both spoke "She knows nothing of the world. I must admit to being quite seriously concerned for her." Mrs Lane told them "Mycroft will make sure to find her." Sherlock said and Alanna rolled her eyes

"Well, Mycroft isn't blessed as you are. As she is. A matter of great bitterness for him and not a small part of the cause of this mess." While Mrs Lane was speaking Sherlock started looking around the room "Enola is special. She has such a good heart. She's even left money on my bedside table." Mrs. Lane said and that caught Sherlock's and Alanna's attention

"Money?" Sherlock questioned "You've already abandoned her once, sir. I'm asking that you don't abandon her again." And with that Mrs. Lane left the room "You should listen to her. Enola has always looked up to you. She has already been abandoned by your not abandon her again" Alanna told Sherlock

All Sherlock did was look down at his hand and started to walk over to the vase and stared back at the paintings of flowers on the wall. "What is it Sherlock?" Alanna asked the man

"We'll if you were smarter then me you would have figured it out Alexander." Sherlock told Alanna and she glared at him "Fine. Move." Alanna said pushing Sherlock out the way.

Alanna was left alone in her own home. Sherlock promised her that he would be back to officially look for her and what they were doing was just searching for clues. Alanna grew impatient waiting for Sherlock.

He and Mycroft had went to a lounge area where only men are allowed to go to. So Alanna went downstairs into her kitchen where she saw Mr. Cade. "Mr. Cade." Alanna called "Yes, Ma'am?"

"Could you do me a huge favor and fetch me a paper?" Alanna asked "Yes ma'am" Mr. Cade responded leaving the kitchen to go get her a paper. While Mr. Cade was out Alanna looked outside to see if everyone else was outside which they were.

Alanna ran upstairs to her bedroom and packed herself a bag full with money, a fan, some gloves, some of her bows, and finally changed into her dress. In order to look for Enola Holmes who obviously was going to look for Eudoria Holmes you have to go to London.

So where to go first in London you might ask? Well the only other person Eudoria trusted besides Alanna and that was to go find Edith.

Alanna walked back downstairs after doing her hair where she saw Mr. Cade. "Here you go ma'am" Mr. Cafe handed her the paper "Thank you Mr Cade." Alanna thanked "Of course."

Alanna walked out the house while reading the paper "Two boys leap from train, Enola" Alanna smiled she read the whole report and saw that Enola was indeed headed towards London. Alanna got into her family's personal carriage and told Mr. Hyde on where to go

Sherlock returned to Alanna's home to get her, reading the paper himself he knew that Enola was also indeed heading to London. Sherlock was about to knock on the door when all of the sudden James Alexander opened the door "Goodness Sherlock. I never thought I'd say this but I'm very pleased to see you. Alanna's missing." James said

Sherlock looked at James with his brows furrowed "Might I look around?" Sherlock asked "Of course." James stepped aside to let Sherlock in "Her bedrooms is still in the same place as it was before." James said and Sherlock headed up the steps

Her bedroom had looked very clean, not messy like Eudoria's but tidy. There was a painting that Alanna's mother gifted her when she was 6 it was a painting of her, and Sherlock, Sherlock was ten around the time of that photo.

Florence did think that Sherlock was a good person for her daughter, that was until he left. She knew that he didn't exactly need to have feelings for her but he could have at least said goodbye to Alanna

Sherlock stopped looking at the painting and started to wonder around the room. There was barely any details until he realized that all her bows were gone. He knew Alanna couldn't go anywhere without a bow, so if all of them were gone then he knew that she didn't get kidnapped, but that she ran away.

"Mr. Cade" Sherlock called for "Yes Mr. Holmes?" Mr Cade answered "When was the last time you saw Alanna?" Sherlock asked "Well, around three hours ago, she had ask for the morning paper and that was the last time I had seen her." Mr. Cade answered "Thank you." Sherlock smiled and left the room

"Well? Where are you going?" James questioned the boy "Off to find your daughter and my sister. I believe that they might be in the same place right now." Sherlock told the father. "Sherlock, I'm putting my trust in you. Find my daughter." James demanded  "I'll try my best Sir."

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