09. (Rest in) Peaceful Negotiations

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Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Crap on a popsicle!"

Running headlong down a dark alley that (hopefully) led towards the Meerut city gate, Captain Carter frantically searched the surroundings with his eyes. Where the hell was his horse? He knew he had left it somewhere around here! Where—

Over there!

Finally, he spotted the four-legged menace several yards from where he had fastened it to the spot. The smart animal had just finished chewing through its bonds and was hurrying down a side street, probably looking for greener pastures without so much gunfire.

"Oy! You disobedient beast, stay where you are!"

In response to Captain Carter's shouted command, his loyal steed started to move faster.

Muttering a curse under his breath, the captain sped up.


—and sped up again. It was always wonderful to have motivation.

Bang, bang, bang!

Lucky him, there were so many people behind him willing to help motivate him today.


A flower pot only a few inches to his left shattered, dumping wet earth all over him. Bloody hell! This was getting a bit too much!

"Oy!" Carter called over his shoulder. "Remember, it's against your religious principles to use those new bullets!"

Bang! Bang! Bang, bang, bang bang!

Dang it! Apparently, they still had plenty of old bullets left.

"Get back here, you infernal animal!" Pumping his aching legs even faster, the captain lunged forward and tried to grab his horse's reins. "Get back here now!"

The animal gave a protesting whinny that Captain Carter basically took to mean "In your dreams, you idiot!"

"Oy! I am the master here, and you are the mount!"

Judging by the way the horse kicked at his head, it considered this point up for debate.

Dodging under the deadly hoof, Captain Carter once more hurled himself forward and, this time, managed to grab hold of the reins. Immediately, he pulled hard and forced the horse to slow and stumble. That brief window of opportunity was enough. With a single leap, he was on top of the stubborn animal and slammed his heels into its sides.

"Yee-ha! Move it, horsy! If you get me out of here, I'll give you a stable full of oats and mares!"

At the last word, the horse shot forward as if stung by a bee in the backside. It raced down the alley, towards the dim light at the other end that promised freedom.

Bam, bam!

Another bullet whizzed past Carter, just as he shot out of the narrow alley and into a crowded square. The crowd did not seem to be particularly happy about that.


"Madad karana! Madad karana!"

"Bhaagana! Ek paagal aadamee!"

"Yes, and a very nice morning to you as well. Now get out of the way!"

The whole square exploded into chaos as the horse ploughed through the masses. Clouds of flour and colourful spices were hurled through the air, along with the occasional unfortunate person. By the time the unmounted pursuers arrived at the square, the entire place looked like a drunken painter's nightmare.

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