✧*̥˚ The Ferris Wheel *̥˚✧

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I didn't get a lick of sleep last night. It took everything in me not to hop in my truck and go hunt down this Jax fella. If only he knew what his thinly veiled threats were doing to my girl. Kes was still asleep in my arms, and barely perceptible whimpers would escape her perfectly shaped lips as she tossed and turned. I could only imagine what she was dreaming of, but I knew it was nothing good. If I could, I would reach into her thoughts and pull the nightmares from her mind and replace them with hope. Instead, Jax has tainted her thoughts with him–like a stain that just won't come out.

My anger is swirling like darkness just below the surface, ready to unleash its wrath on the world that is so cruel to my girl. I will do something about Jax, I swear it on my life.

Kes stirs in my arms, and I lean over and brush wet strands of hair plastered to her skin off her forehead. Her eyes are red and puffy–a souvenir from last night when she melted into a puddle in my arms, her distress apparent. She didn't deserve this. How could I give her the world when there was an asshole in the way? Well, I would just have to take care of that.

Kes slowly opens her eyes–lids drooping heavily as she meets my gaze.

"Good morning, darlin," I whisper softly, a smile playing on my lips.

"Morning," She smiles softly, stretching out her body to its full length. She was gorgeous, even in the morning.

I move to allow room for her, but she quickly pulls me back in and nestles into the crook of my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her small frame and squeeze reassuringly.

"Let's get you some breakfast, baby girl," I remark, trailing kisses along her face and neck. She nods and looks up at me with adoration.

We make our way downstairs and I instruct her to sit at the bar while I brew coffee.

"What can we do so that you feel safer?" I ask after a moment.

She runs fingers through her silken hair as she contemplates, "Maybe a security system," she murmurs.

I nod as I begin stacking ingredients for pancakes on the counter. As I work she fumbles with her fingers mindlessly. I can tell her mind is elsewhere and I'm too scared to ask what she is thinking about, knowing full well she is conjuring up all kinds of scenarios in her mind revolving around Jax. This sends me into a tailspin of silent anger, brewing just below the surface ready to rear its ugly head. I try to release some of the tension in my muscles with no luck.

"I'll call some guys today, hopefully they will have everything set up for you by tomorrow evening. How does that sound?"

"S'good," she whispers sadly.

"Let's get out of the house today, get your mind on other things," I say reassuringly–hopin' she agrees. I would do just about anything to wipe her anxiety from her mind and body.

"Okay," she squeaks, watching me mix the batter.

"Good girl," I praise. I want to lift her mood so badly, and I hope that getting her into a new environment will at least dissipate some of her sudden depression.

Kes lifts herself from the barstool and rounds the bar until she is standing next to me, demanding my attention. While the pan warms on the stove I wrap her up in a tight hug and brush my lips softly against hers. She is receptive to my affection and returns my kiss eagerly. I hope it is enough to take her mind off things for a little while.

I hug her tightly, "Please don't leave my side, Joel," she whispers. The emotion in her voice just about breaks me.

"I won't, baby girl," I promise, "Let's get some food in you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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