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I walk into the Doctor's office to greet him, he had sent me a message last night asking me to come in and speak with him. The doctor was at his desk when I arrived, he seemed lost in thought. He heard the door open and he looked up and noticed I had entered the room, he didn't speak, and he just waited for me to speak.

"You wanted to see me, sir?"

 "Yes, please take a seat." The doctor waited for me to sit down, his whole focus was on me.

I felt a bit intimated with his stare towards me, however, I couldn't help but notice that he was a handsome man.

The doctor noticed I was eyeing him, and he seemed to smile at it. Then he quickly switched back to a very emotionless demeanor, it was almost like he caught himself smiling and felt like he had to be professional. It was quite endearing."I have a question for you."

"Yes sir?"

"I feel as though something you're doing in that office is causing a connection between you and one of my more problematic patients, the one who goes by the name of Archer Williams. You're bringing out qualities in him that I've never seen before, and I wish to know what exactly you are doing to cause this."

I chuckled a bit. "If you a concerned about me catching feelings for him, you have no reason to be. I am simply just trying to find ways to connect with him so he can feel comfortable talking with me."

The doctor nodded his head. He thought about what I said and after a few seconds, he spoke."I see, it's good that you aren't taking any sort of liking to him, however, I want to make sure you understand that you are handling a very dangerous patient. Be careful how you deal with him, he is very manipulative and I believe he hasn't shown you his true character just yet."

I was shocked, he has never shown any genuine concern for me since I started working here. "Are you worried about me?"

The doctor froze for a second, he seemed surprised by my question and he stared at me with widened eyes. He wasn't quite sure how to respond to that, in this place, care is never shown towards the employees. But he had grown a bit of a soft spot for me.He didn't answer right away, he just stared at me for a moment before answering. "Yes."

I smiled. "How sweet."

There was a moment of silence after my statement before the doctor spoke again. "And I still would like you to be more careful around him, he is a manipulator and a murderer. If he catches you off guard, you could find yourself in a very bad situation."

"I understand." After my statement, I went to my office to see Archer sitting at my desk.

He didn't really expect me to be there yet, and when I walked in, he looked up at me and stared. "Are you just staring at me?" His tone was blunt but I had to admit it was quite entertaining, the two of us just making eye contact without saying anything was quite funny.

I raised my eyebrow.  "And are you just sitting in my seat?"

"Yes." He spoke with the same bluntness as before. "It's very comfortable and it has a nice vantage point, your desk has the perfect angle of being able to see the door." He was looking away now but he still didn't seem to get off the seat.

"I see. May I have my seat back?" I asked, politely. 

"Why should I give you your seat back? It's much more comfortable here." His tone was blunt, almost playful.

A Psychopath's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now