Chapter 12 I'll give 'em hell

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TW: Violence 

Luke was untied from the chair but his hands were still tied behind his back then Daniel forced Luke down onto his knees in front of the metal bucket that James and John laid down in front of him. "Are you gonna tell us where the money is?" Daniel said, walking over next to Luke. "What money?" Luke asked confused, "Wrong answer." Daniel responded by grabbing the back of Luke's head and summering him underwater for a while before letting him come back up for air then pushing his head back down into the water again before bringing him back up to the surface and punching him in the face. "The money you got from Ross after you quit, before you killed him." Daniel asked like it was obvious, "Oh that money, yeah I used it to buy the apartment that you dickhead completely wrecked!" Luke responded pissed off. "There was $20 million dollars Luke, What the hell happened to it all?" Daniel asked angrily. "I might be saving it, is that a problem?" Luke asked with sarcasm clear in his voice. Daniel didn't say anything and just held Luke under the water for longer than he did before. "How about that Luke! How do you feel dying knowing Maddie is going to be in pain and die in pain and it's all your fault, because you brought her into this since the moment you moved into that complex and started talking to Annie and Maddie they were doomed." Daniel said and that pushed Luke over the edge. He managed to get his head out of the water then kicked Daniel in the legs making him fall down and hit his head hard on the concrete floor. Luke's hands were still tied around his back when John came over and punched Luke in the face, then Luke kicked him in the face and James came up behind him Luke then elbowed James making both of them fall to the ground. Luke pulled his arms apart fast and with force and the ties broke so his hands were now free. Just then Daniel got back up to his feet and limply walked over to Luke trying to punch him but Luke dodged it and kicked Daniel in the stomach making him stumble backwards. Luke was then put in a choke hold by John Luke elbowed him then picked him up over his shoulder then slammed him back down on the ground knocking him out. Luke then got the chair that he was tied to earlier and hit Daniel in the back with it then James came up behind Luke and kicked him in the back Making Luke stumble forward a bit before turning around and hitting James in the head with the chair breaking it. Luke sat there looking at the three unconscious men. "Jackass's." Luke then stole Daniel's phone and walked out of the room.

I heard the phone ring and I guess Chris did too because he got up off the couch quickly then turned to look at me, "Stay here not don't move because I will not hesitate to hurt you." I just nodded as Chris then walked out of the room to get his phone that was in the kitchen. I then took the opportunity to get up off the couch and run to unlock the door quickly then I ran back to the couch just in time for Chris to come back in on the phone with someone. "You're a dead man Luke!" Chris said into the phone. So it was Luke on the phone. I need to figure out how to talk to him without Chris knowing. "Where Maddie!?" I heard Luke shout through the phone. Chris then sat down next to me and pulled me over to him making him put my head on his shoulder he then put his arm around me then put his hand over my mouth so I couldn't make a sound. "Well she's right here Luke and she's fine I haven't hurt her yet don't worry." Chris said in a mocking tone. "I wanna talk to her." Luke demanded. "Sure, just a minute." Chris replied putting the phone to his chest so Luke couldn't hear him. "You say nothing about where we are and about anything else because I have a gun in my back pocket and then you will be dead in seconds." Chris threatened then put the phone to my ear and removed his hand from my mouth. "Luke!" I said into the phone. "Maddie! Are you alright, where are you!?" Luke asked me panicky but Chris heard him then he looked at me and shook his head telling me to not answer the last question. "I'm um I'm alright for now." I responded. "Good, that's good, where are you!?" Luke asked again. "I can't tell you or else Chris will kill me." I told him quickly so Chris didn't hear the whole thing hopefully. But I could tell that Luke heard me because he didn't say anything for a bit. "Maddie, how long does it usually take for someone to track a call?" Luke asked, whispering into the phone. "40 seconds." I responded back. I looked at Chris for a moment to see if he noticed but he seemed to have a confused look on his face. "Good, good job that's right and that's what I'm gonna do right now okay, I'm gonna track the phone you're using okay?" Luke told me, "Yeah okay." I said thankful that Chris had blown out his hearing somewhat due to a gunshot a few years ago. "I gotta go now Luke I'm sorry I said as Chris motioned for me to give him the phone back. "Alright, be safe okay Maddie I know where you are I will be there soon I promise." Luke said I heard him start up a vehicle then start driving. Then Chris yanked the phone back out of my hand and put it up to his ear then covered my mouth with his hand again. "Well it was a pleasure talking to you Luke but she has to go now and so do I bye Luke." Chris said sarcastically then hung up on Luke and released me from his grip. "See it's not that hard to lie to Luke." Chris said then stood up and walked to the kitchen for a moment. I just sat there and waited. That's all I could do, it was just a waiting game at this point.

About 15 minutes later I heard a car honking then I heard a door slam shut. I think it's Luke, I really hope it's Luke. "You hear that?" Chris asked me walking over to the giant window to see what was going on. I just sat there and said nothing but I shook my head no then looked back at the ground. "Hmh." was all Chris had to say then he headed back to the kitchen. I thought about the one time when I was small Luke took me and my mom to the park to look at the sunset. Luke looked at me and smiled then I saw him look at my mom and she looked back at him and they both laughed then they both held my small hands and picked me up and swung me into the air like I was on a swing and I was laughing so much and they were both smiling wide at me. I was ripped from that vision when I heard the door open and saw Luke. He saw me too and put a finger over his lips signaling for me to be quiet.  

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