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I get to work on time this morning. Everthing that happened yesterday was embarrassing. I can't believe I slipped and cried in front of her. She drove me home and gave me strict instructions to sleep at 9pm sharp. I listened because I knew she was going to get me to tell the truth somehow had I not listened to her.

I listen to music as I get ready. I hop out of the shower and get ready in a little yellow dress and a white cardigan with matching frilly white socks and pumps. I tie my hair in a high bun before packing my bag.

I leave requesting an uber to the local coffee shop that's located a few minutes away from the office. I get a coffee with a slice of chocolate cake. Not the best breakfast but I like it so I'm gonna have it. I walk to the office finishing my coffee and cake.

I promise myself not to accidentally regress today. I can't embarrass myself twice consecutively. I sit in my chair right next to hers and start working.

At 9 am sharp she walks in. She looks beautiful. She's dressed in a tight black skirt suit with matching black stiletto heels. Her hair is parted in the middle and curled dramatically. Her first two buttons are undone of course I'd notice that. She's so perfect.

"Staring is rude." She says taking off her blazer, hanging it on her chair. She smells so good I say in my head not caring that I'm still staring. "Nollani?" I look up at her.

"Yes mom- ma'am." What the hell, I almost called her mommy.

"I'm proud of you for getting to work on time. Good girl." She smiles.

"Thank you." I smile shyly.

The day goes on with us doing our own work. She leaves and comes back with a cup of coffee for herself and two sandwiches for the both of us. We sit on her office couch and eat in comfortable silence. I have a sip of my water and continue with my work. She comes around sitting on her chair and finishes off her coffee.

Latisha comes in to discuss something with her. I don't really pay much attention to it because I'm distracted by my own silly thoughts. I've gotten to know Tisha these past few days, while Hafsa was around. She's really fun and lets me hang out with them. Well Lydia is way more fun but I still like Tisha more.

Lydia's one of Tisha's friends. She has a huge crush on Naina it's so funny. She always asks Tisha about Naina, and says weird things like letting Hanaina step on her. Naina doesn't really like me sitting with them saying they're way older than me but I do anyway, she's not my boss! Well she sorta is but still!

I reach for my bag that's placed at my feet, trying to get a notebook to write down a few of the tasks I need to complete tonight when I get home. Something goes very wrong. How I ended up on the floor was a mystery to me. Hanaina looks at me just as surprised. I look back at her sheepishly, embarrassed to say the least. I get up quickly sitting on my chair again, the notebook completely forgotten about.

"Are you okay? What were you doing?" She asks putting her glasses on her head. I respond with a shrug. The way I keep embarrassing myself in front of her, ugh! Aunty Yas was so right about me being clumsy. "Does it hurt anywhere?" She asks. My knees hurt because I landed on them but I'm not telling her that.

"No." I say shaking my head. She shakes her head and continues with her work.

I do a lot of my work, catching up on what I couldn't do yesterday. I look over at Hanaina and she's still super busy. I'm so bored, maybe I can check my social media just to pass some time. I grab my bag - carefully this time - putting it on my lap using my phone.

"You better not make me angry Nollani!" I jump startled closing my bag and quickly place it by my feet. I huff because I only managed to unlock my phone. Fuck her and her office. She's paying me though so... not really 'fuck her'.

I push myself to work a little bit more before completely losing motivation. I fold my arms and look up at the scary lady next to me I don't know what I wanted her to do but I wanted her to pay attention to me.

"Young lady why are you not working?" She asks looking down at me. I respond with a shrug. "Words." She says in her mommy voice making my insides tingle.

"Too tired! No want to work anymore!" I say throwing my hands in the air. "Me wanna colour, this boring" I pout at her unhappy that I have to tell her everything.

"Oh is that so?" She ask. I respond with a nod crossing my arms again. "With that attitude maybe you need to go stand in the corner where cheeky little girls belong." She says scooping me onto her lap. I shrug not moved by her threat. I lean onto her feeling warmth in my chest. Maybe this was the attention I wanted.

"Me too big! I not go in the corner". I say playing with her undone buttons. I can slightly see her cleavage but she lets me play with her buttons so I continue.

"No. You are not too big for corner time" She says smirking at me. "but... if that's the case then maybe I should give you a spanking instead. A lesson to not act sassy with me" She says with a lifted eyebrow. The image in my head of me her spanking me scares me. I don't like the idea one bit. I lean into her hiding my face.

"No, thank you!" I say quickly shaking my head.

She chuckles softly. "I thought so." She says patting my bottom. I sit in her lap for the quite a long time. I felt a bit drowsy but fight my sleep.

"Come pumpkin, let's get you something fun to do. Yes?" I nod quickly, letting her set me down. I really want her to be my mommy but don't think she's knows I'm a little, so this is as far as we're gonna get.

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