Her Unfair Life

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"Life is really unfair to her.
Gaslighting herself,
even if it's not her own fault.
Can you blame herself for it...?
With frustration, sadness,
Pushing her emotions into her heart,
Aside all of the broken pieces, but
Starts to shatter her heart,
Her soul and her thoughts,
Until she broke herself through the end.

Life is really unfair to her.
In the end,
She'll only hurt herself more and more,
Like she throw herself,
She stumble and
She fall,
Into the deepest pit,
surrounded all of the dangerous things,
All around her like rose thorn bushes,
knifes, cutters, and
Everything sharp..
Until she bleed,
She cried,
and she shed.

Life is really unfair to her,
swallowing of her darkness shadow,
Becoming an emotionless,
A mysterious, and
An unknown kind.
But deep down,
She may have her own alone,
Her own solace,
and her own peace.
But she's lonely 'til this day,
In her own dreamland of
messy yet ethereal fantasies."

(A/N: I apologize for not publishing new poems and thoughts of mine recently because of the multi-tasking, and a little bit of time. Nevertheless I still hope you enjoy this poem and still hope you enjoy reading! love you all<3)

-205 words-

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