Chapter 3

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The sun breaks the two apart, neither saying a word to the other as they dress and exit to Eren’s kitchen. They exchange longing glances when Armin has a glass of water and Eren downs a cup of coffee too quickly. Armin’s grandfather will be here any moment and there’s nothing left to say, how can there be anything left to say when it’s all been said?

I’ll miss you.

I love you.

Don’t forget about me.

Don’t… leave me.

Armin’s phone buzzes on the countertop whilst the two stand around aimlessly and they look at each other with unreadable expressions. Armin races to Eren and holds him close, kissing him with more fever than the previous night, because now they have everything to lose.

There’s another buzz and they pull away from one another, Eren’s eyes focusing on Armin’s solely, he’s dazed and lost and wandering in the ocean held within Armin’s sight. The blond grabs his phone and types a swift response to his grandfather.

“He’s here.”

Eren inhales deeply and smiles shakily to hide the fact his eyes are watering and he can’t swallow past the lump stuck in his throat. He helps Armin move all of his boxes to his grandfather’s car.

And then, Armin introduces the two of them, to Eren’s surprise. Armin’s grandfather take’s the brunet’s hand and shakes it warmly. “So, you’re the Eren who’s been taking care of my grandson.”

“That’s me,” Eren replies, his voice cracking and he hopes neither Armin nor his granddad notice.

“Well, you’re certainly as handsome as Armin says.”


“What?” His grandfather laughs jovially and Eren wonders if it’s ruse to hide the fact that his grandson is looking much closer to death than he had been half a year ago. “Well, Eren, you’re welcome to visit anytime. We live down south but it’s a direct train to and from here. I’ll reimburse you for the fare, of course.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that.”

“Nonsense. I’m sure Armin here’s going to need your company…”

There’s a sense of sadness in the words and the man bows his head before getting into the driver’s seat, allowing the two young adults their privacy.

“Seriously though, please come visit.”

“I’ll be there as often as I can,” Eren promises. He takes Armin’s hand and kisses it gently. “I love you so much, Armin.”

“And I love you, so much, Eren,” Armin responds and kisses Eren’s lips once more before getting into the passenger seat. His eyes never leaving Eren, not even as the car begins to pull away and Eren’s left in the car park, alone and devastated.

His phone buzzes in his pocket and he hesitates in pulling it out until Armin’s car is no longer visible to the human eye.

Please don’t cry. The message reads and Eren hopelessly bursts into tears.

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