Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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World Date; June 24, 2038...

The peak of this mountain, one of the medium-high mountains of the Yellow Plains region, was not as spired as other mountains. The summit of this mountain had a wide oval shape. Moreover, on the part overlooking the plain near the summit, there was a 200-meter steep slope formed as a result of a landslide. It was also possible to find deep and long cracks in the area where this landslide occurred, with slight by slight water vapors coming out of them.

Some believed that this vapor was caused by hell fire. Some people said that there was methane or natural gas under the ground and that it could explode at any time. But what is certain is that 18 years ago the local governor sent a geographical expedition team to investigate this place and announced the findings to the public.

According to the explanation, the steam coming out of the crack was formed due to the temperature difference between day and night. The moisture in the crevice evaporates as the sun heats the rocks, ocours a beautiful natural phenomenon. Even though an official statement was made, no one gave up what they knew and rumors continued to spread increasingly.


The father-son duo decided to take a rest under the oak tree on the side of the road before climbing the mountain. They had walked here from the other end of the plain in about two hours. They didn't own any cars. The crops they planted were just enough for their own living.

If they earned a little more profit from the products they sold, they would buy the hand tools needed to grow crops. They saved money for exactly 2 years for the last hoe machine they bought. Thanks to this machine, he planted a little more area this year. If the crops were productive, he would make more profit than ever before.

While his father was thinking, "I wish you were here too,"

- Dad, is there anything sweet?

- ??

The father looked back at his son and said while rubbing his son's head with his hand,

- I don't have anything sweeter than you with me. But let me check our bag to see what's less sweet.

His father took out the hazelnut chocolate from the bag he had prepared for the trip, gave it to his son and looked at the bag again for a final check. (The flowers are okay, the incense is okay, the food is okay, my son's spare clothes are okay, everything looks okay, I hope I haven't forgotten anything) he thought.

When his friend, who lived on this side of the plain, saw the father and son resting from the garden of his house, he paused for a while as if he remembered something, and then made his decision and started walking towards them. After a while, he had came to the father and his son.

- Hello my friend. How are you?

- I'm fine, how are you?

- I am fine too. (He added, pausing a bit) Are you on your way for a visit?

His father nodded silently.


Last year, his mother had died of a sudden heart attack. When they saw her mother lying motionless in the garden, they quickly took her to the health center, but by then death had already occurred. His mother closed eyes to life at the age of 46.

Her father was not from the Yellow Plains. He came here for the first time 19 years ago. He had seen the crevasse on the internet while planning a trip and took the first plane as if it was his destiny to come here and look at the crevasse...

For the crevasse, the local municipality had built a tourist boutique hotel on the mountainside and opened the crevasse for visitors. When his father came to Yellow Plains, it was his mother that he asked where the hotel was.

IRON HAN, Book 1: The Rise Of PowerWhere stories live. Discover now