stop the car!

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The word slipped softly out of hoseok mouth as he stared at yoongi whose eyes were blazing with a rage hoseok had never seen before,the veins in his hand evident as held the guy raised hand in dead strong grip stopping him from slapping hoseok.

"Get in the car"yoongi commanded,his eyes were fixed on the guy but hoseok knew he was talking to him.

" b-but"hoseok hesitated,his heart racing.

Yoongi dark gaze turn to hoseok scared one's. "Get in the car" he commanded again,his voice thick with emotions,demanding obedience.

Hoseok knew better than to argue with angry yoongi,his body still shaking from what the guy did he ran to the car.

" are you crazy?"the guy ask stumbling as he tried to get out of yoongi grip."come back"he yelled after hoseok.

Yoongi sigh letting go of the guy wrist,a sting of pain the guy felt on his wrist cause of how strong yoongi grip was.

"Get out of here"he command,voice cold yet dripping with anger.with a last threatening look yoongi turned around and started walking away.

" huh"the guy scoff."why so press?he was just another bitch anyway"

Yoongi stopped dead in his track,for a moment he just stood there feeling the anger boiling in him he sigh and face the guy once again."what did you say?"the guy smirk provoking yoongi further. "Did I lie?his entire appearance shows that he's a bitc-" the guy didn't get to finish his sentence before yoongi launch at him,he transport all the anger he felt into his hand and gave a hard punch to the guy that send him flying and landing hard on the floor,he cough blood instantly.yoongi sigh running a hand through his hair he pulled the guy up by his collar and hit him again,this time harder the punch was so hard it made the guy fell on the floor with a loud thudding sound,he cough a large amount of blood instantly.

"Please.... L-let me go.." The guy beg his breathing growing shallow.yoongi scoff and forced the guy up again by his collar, his grip so strong it could rip the shirt off.the guy kept begging yoongi to let him go but yoongi ignored him and dragg him to the car where hoseok was silently crying upon seeing yoongi arriving he quickly wiped his tears away,his eyes widen when yoongi pulled the guy up and slam him against the car door.

"Apologize" yoongi said his grip on the guy collar tighten.the guy stared at hoseok with pleading eyes as if asking for help."I'm s-sorry"the guy said his voice barely above a whisper."louder!"yoongi yelled gritting his teeth,his anger evident on his face."I'm sorry!!"the guy yelled with the last of his energy,yoongi lips curled into a satisfy smirk."good"he chuckle before hitting the guy rapidly in his face,hoseok flinched for a moment he just stared horrified as the guy kept coughing thick blood.he's never seen yoongi this mad before and he wondered if yoongi was doing it...for him.

As the guy screamed for help hoseok snapped out of his thought and swiftly get out of the car,by the time he got out the guy was on the verge of passing out,yoongi hand was covered in blood as he just kept punching and punching the guy."y-yoongi?"hoseok mumble softly."yoongi stop!"hoseok yelled scared that the guy might die,yoongi ignored him and continue hitting. "Yoongi stop please!" Hoseok begged almost sobbing when he realized yoongi wasn't stopping,he ran to stop him but someone else reach yoongi first.

"Yoongi what the fuck!?stop!!" Jimin who went to call the police on yoongi's request yelled,pulling yoongi away."stop it he'll die!"Jimin placed his soft hands on yoongi both cheeks and turn him to face him."calm down okey?"jimin smiled softly making yoongi sigh and nodded.

Hoseok blood boil as he watch the interaction,in his head he was plotting so many ways to kill jimin,he didn't like him at all.his face formed a scowl when jimin smile at him,he scoff and stomp back into the car,he sat down put his seatbealt on,cross his arms and pouted.

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