chapter 2

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He was sitting alone inside the private room. The calm ambiance of music fills the tension, as he takes more sips of his whisky.

His black sleeves in his both arms are now rolled up, revealing his large muscular, yet veiny arms that once held me up in the air

My eyes trailed down to his arms that has multiple tattoos on them, and to the shining black rings he wore on his fingers

I swallowed the lump in my throat, he noticed that someone was staring so he looked in my way. We both lock gaze

Please don't know me, please don't know me

I repeated in my hand, I hoped he wouldn't gonna notice who I was, and I had to focus on my job and not the customers.

I slowly removed the silky robe from my shoulders and let it fall into the ground, my body was now exposed in front of the man

Feeling his eyes trail down to every corner of my body, I can't help but not to smirk when noticing that his gaze stopped for a moment in my chest, before continuing.

I usually don't get affected by any of my customer's stares. But I won't gonna lie, his gaze on me made me feel something else.

My tall heels clicked on the floor with each step, I noticed in the corner of my eye that he placed down the glass on the table as he sat back on the couch, admiring me.

If a snake can play, why cant the lion enjoy the game too?

I smirked as my slender hand touched the cold pole. Giving him all of the views of myself as I began dancing. But I made sure I didn't give him my normal dance

Instead, I'll show him my ways that lured many rich guys to me. Slowly and addicting.

A low growl escaped him as I noticed that his breaths got heavy, his handball into a fist while the man didn't cast his eyes off me even for a second. He didn't say anything and only stayed in the seat

My hair swayed behind me as I let out a shaking breath, my mask continued to hide my identity as I faced him. I met his eyes

Those gorgeous, sinister, dark eyes, as he tries to hide the lust behind it.

But then the man stood from his seat, I felt goosebumps form in my arms as suddenly I stopped dancing. I didn't know what was happening to me but I was more captured by his eyes

The man came forward to me, I let out a small shaking gasp as I felt his both hands touch my waist.

I never let my customers touch me when I'm on the stage or the ground. But I couldn't stop him, and I couldn't stop myself

I placed my hands on him, feeling his warmth as he slowly trails them in the curve of my slim waist.

" how much do you want? " he asked.

His voice was no longer sound pissed, it was deep and husky, and I want to hear more of him. I looked at him in the eye and smirked

" everything you got " I replied. Thinking he wouldn't gonna take it seriously

But then I watched him walk back to the couch, taking a large stock of money wrapped in a tie, he walked back and put it down on the stage in front of my foot

I looked at him in shock, but he didn't say anything instead grabbing his bag and walked out of the private room. I leaned down to pick up the money and noticed how much everything was

It was a thick large stock of cash in my money right now

The first ever customer that tipped me so big like this

" h-holy shit " I breathed out

and immediately stepped down from the stage and look outside the private room to only see the man was already gone.

I headed back into the female's room and removed my mask, grabbing a pair of my clothes as the girls ran out of the room for their dance, I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror once again

I wipe off the red matte lipstick on my lips with wipes and let out a sigh.

I wore my ordinary black top and grey jogging pants paired with my white sneakers, I slung my bag on my shoulders and left the club through the back door

But to my surprise, Frank was outside. His face lit up when he saw me walkout

" how was it, Stella? Did the man hurt you or threatened you? " he asks worriedly. I took a deep breath and shook my head as a lie

" thank god, now go and have a safe return. I'll see you soon " Frank continues. I said goodbye and called a taxi

My mind couldn't stop thinking about who the man was, he looked young, probably a few years older than me so I couldn't consider him that old.

Will I ever see him again?

But why do I want to? He hurt me. And I should stop thinking about him, I huffed in annoyance. He is nothing but a hoe


"What does it feel like being slapped in the face? " My brother Bill asks.

I rolled my eyes at him and continued drinking the alcohol I had in my hands

The driver was quiet and continued driving back to our house.

I was still pissed about that unknown girl who I just stumbled into the club. I was furious, how could she speak to me like that? No one ever dares to speak back at me.

But if someone did, I kill them in a second

But why I didn't do it to her? What's stopping me from killing her in that right moment?

I sucked in a breath and look outside the window, she's nothing to me. And choking her on that wall is enough to make her realize how dangerous I can be

I still feel her slap on my face. And she's the first ever person who did it to me

I was surprised she was different from all of the women I know. Usually, whenever I walk past girls, they never hesitate to throw themselves in my arms and end up in my bed.

She has the fire in her. And I hated it

I want it to be gone

I want her to respect me like everyone does

" it doesn't matter for a person like me to know who you are " her words continued repeating in my head. I fist my knuckles and it's turning white

I want to hunt her down

But she's not important...

Like the woman inside the private room with me earlier...

Writing this while inside the classroom, with only couple of hours of sleep.


Never Ending Lies | Tom Kaulitz (18+)Where stories live. Discover now