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As soon as Isaac buckled Teddy up in his car seat they were off to the super market, the only place in Forks that sold groceries.

It really was a small town.

I mean, there weren't even 4,000 people living there, so of course it's pretty small and they don't have much.

But it was perfect for Isaac and Teddy.

It was surrounded by woods, it ran over a ley line, Isaac had even met his soulmate here!

Which was shocking, but totally cool.

He wondered when he'd see her again.

Mostly because he knew that vampires who had soulmates couldn't stay away from them too long, especially in the early stages of the bond being formed.

Once they got to the store he immediately got out, and picked Teddy up, placing him in a baby carrier that he had strapped to his chest.

He grabbed a cart and pulled out the list of ingredients he needed to get for this week's meals.

Normally he wasn't this organized with what he ate everyday, but since he'd started caring for Teddy, he realized he needed a plan and he needed to be organized so that he built some type of normalcy for the boy.

It would help his development if he had a schedule that he adhered to.

Soon enough he'd gotten the list out and went about grabbing the items and placing them in his cart.

For Monday(which was today) he was going to make steak fajitas, with rice, and beans. He'd make sure to have some tortillas for it as well as limes to bring the dish together.

Tuesday he was thinking maybe some fish and chips (Not going to lie, I hate all types of fish and bread so this really wouldn't be something I'd eat.)

Wednesday he'd make bangers and mash, probably with some green beans as he was adverse to peas. Didn't really care too much for them.

Thursday he'd probably make some shepherds pie, it was good and simple to make, also his go to meal whenever he wanted food.

Friday he'd make a roast with all the trimmings, probably some roasted potatoes and carrots for dinner.

Over the weekend he'd probably either order in or go to the local diner.

Try some American cuisine or something.

Once that was set he started to gather everything he needed plus some extra things.

Like baby formula, he was running out, some spices, fruits, and snacking food.

Like granola bars, some crisps(chips), yogurt, some ice cream, and a few other things that would tide him over until next week.

He also got some drinks for the house, he liked the fuzzy drinks that Nymphadora had introduced him to during her time in the muggle world.

They were called pop or soda.

He liked Coke and mountain dew the best though.

So he grabbed one 24 pack of each.

Once he realized he had everything he turned to leave and then promptly bumped into another cart.

Letting out a small oof he looked up as his magic started singing realizing that Rosalie really couldn't stay away and that Esme had probably called her and told her that he was going shopping.

"Oh, sorry Isaac." Rosalie apologized, not really sounding all too sorry.

She actually seemed pretty smug.

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