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Mr.Huffmon nodded his head, clapped his hands, and said, "alright. Let's play a get to know you game!" 

(I keep flipping between Huffman and Hoffman which I apologize for)


~Chloe's POV~ 

After we did the get to know you games for the first half of class, I found out a few things about my classmates.

Like Nathaniel is a good dancer, specifically he is a good ice dancer/ice skater. In addition he has recently started drawing, so I'll get to see his progression! Also he is taking classes from both his Grandpa's, so I'll be seeing him a bit. If rumor's I heard are true then both of them run a mafia group, so yeah. I'm slightly concerned for myself. 

Damian views Jason Todd as an older brother right now, but hasn't met the rest of his family yet. Damian is also very interested in the violin and Felix ratted me out to him! So currently Damian is glaring at the back of my head. So I'm clinging onto Kagami out of fear of the young assassin. 

John is very flexible. Also surprisingly a terrible writer. John acts like a puppy, very happy and is clinging to Damian like I'm clinging to Kagami but he doesn't have a reason. He is very hyper active, too, barely able to remain in his seat for long. 

Nino knows how to ballroom dance, can sing, and likes poetry. He plays the piano too, and better than Adrien from his example. So he hasn't got into DJing yet, I'm excited to see when he gets into it, and how far it goes. 

Kagami is good at origami and likes hugs! . . or at least she lets me hug her and cling to her. She will occasionally move my arms, but other than that, doesn't complain. Kagami seems to get into game mode when her sword enters her hand, and as a result Mr.Hoffman took her and Damian's sword away. Which is why I'm even more scared, and Kamami is now someone I'm gonna cling to greatly. 

Felix is a tea lover. So much so that when he saw my tea from my water bottle he took it and dumped it down the sink. . . I am not ashamed to say that I tackled him for that when the shock wore off. Mr.Hoffman carried me around like I'm a sack of potatoes at his side for a little while after that because I kept tackling Felix without shame. 

"Are you ready to stop tackling Prince Felix now Princess Chloe?" Mr.Homman ask, exasperated. 

I just remain dangling in his arms and say quietly with zero shame in my voice, "nope, I don't have honey so I can't have tea now!" Mr.Hoffman sighs, nods, and just keeps walking around while holding me up so I don't tackle Felix again. 

When lunch time comes the door opens and I see my dad, Andre, and everyone else's parents as well. 

~Andre's POV~

When I walked into Chloe's classroom, I didn't expect to see her  teacher carrying her like she's a sack of potatoes, while the teacher also is holding the Al Ghul child too but by the back of his shirt like he is a kitten. The kid thrashing around while glaring at a girl that's hiding behind my daughters legs. Chloe, just staring around her with a deadpan stare. 

Another girl next to the one hiding behind Chloe's legs was watching the scene confused. Felix was keeping a distance from Chloe, watching her like how she was watching the room, the Kurtzberg child was quietly sitting on the ground next to Mr.Hoffman's feet, and the Kent child was standing under the Al Ghul child, trying to stop him from kicking his feet like this is a game. I cleared my throat and all the kids looked over at us and froze. . . or all but Chloe did, she just waved then went back to glaring at Felix. 

. . . why isn't she in her uniform? I look over at Armond who is looking at all the kids in uniforms shocked. 

Laughing, Amilie says, "Mr.Hoffman, why are you holding two of your students like that?"

Mr.Hoffman laughs then wordlessly sets down Chloe. Who ignores everything and runs at Felix, who quickly tries to run, but Chloe still caught him, tackles him, and sits on him. He then sets down the Al Ghul child, who runs at the girl who was hiding behind Chloe's legs earlier. The girl quickly ran over and hid behind Chloe again, while giggling. The Kent child hugged the Al Ghul child which restricted his movement. The girl who was just watching earlier walked over and crouched down next to the girl hiding, being near again. Felix just laid there, given up, and Prince Nino of Morocco popped out of nowhere and handed Chloe a book, which she examined. 

After a minute Mr.Hoffman walked over again, and picked back up the Al Ghul child and Chloe, who didn't look up from the book. After a minute Chloe opened the book and began reading it, making Prince Nino smile. 

Mr.Hoffman then handed the child to who I assume is his mother, which immediately calms him down. He then walked over and checked on Felix, who is still laying on the ground. "Are you okay, Prince Felix?" 

Felix nodded and said, "I'm fine, Chloe doesn't weight much, the floor is comfortable though."(Can you tell I am never around young kids?)

Mr.Hoffman nodded then helped him up, everyone of the children ran to their parents, but Mr.Hoffman kept holding Chloe. I walked over and took Chloe from Mr.Hoffman, Chloe just kept reading the book Prince Nino handed her. 

After a minute I took the book from Chloe which made her freeze for a second then she started pouting and glaring at me while trying to get the book back. She keeps trying to get the book as I say, "why aren't you wearing your uniform Chloe?" 

Still trying to get the book back she says quickly, almost absentmindedly, "because no one cared to tell me this morning that I needed one, everyone was too busy. Give it back!" Chloe grabbed the book while I was in shock then she bolt from my arms and hid behind the Kurtzberg child while clutching the book. She was about to open it when suddenly she started at the elderly Kurtzberg. 

I believe the elders name is Johnathan Kurtzberg, and if rumors are true, he is the leader of the German mafia and runs a martial arts call. Odd combination, but I can't fault him, or do anything because his group will do under the table stuff for a good price. . . it's why he and his family have diplomatic immunity. 

But why was Chloe so quick to respond to his voice? 

I watch as he talks at Chloe or more like rants at her for a few minutes before she grabs the Kurtzberg child next to her and takes a step back, Johnathan doesn't notice, she does it again, and again until both of them are behind what I can only assume is Johnathan's, or one of Johnathan's, daughters. They tug on the hem of her pants and she just gives them cookies. Chloe visibly brightens, grabs one and eats it. 

Or she tries to, when Armond interupts her by taking it. 

Chloe's POV : 

I stare at Armond, who's now holding me up by my arm, as he tries to pry the cookie from my hand. I look up at his hand as i dangle by my arm. . . this hurts. . . so I decide to be like any child in pain, and let out an extremely loud cry. 

Armond is my butler, and i know he worries about me, but in this case he was stupid about it, so he gets startled and in surprise lets me go, before I can hit the floor Mr.Hoffman catches me barely and he lands on his ass while trying to protect me. 

My arm really hurts, so I keep crying like the child I physically am, while Mr.Hoffman panics. Mr.Hoffman begins soothing me while examining my wrist, through my tears I look around and see Kagami, so I run at her and basically tackle her and cry into her shoulder. 

What is wrong with me? 

. . . 

My mind is adapting to my body, though it keeps all it's memories. . . Oh stars I don't know how to feel about that. 

Reincarnated as Child Chloe BourgeoisWhere stories live. Discover now