Author's notes

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Hi guys, thanks for clicking on the read button.

This is currently my second ongoing BTS fanfiction and trust me your in for a thrill.

One more thing I would like to politely ask all readers to please vote as it helps to encourage me as an author, I can't have 10 reads and only two votes, that's simply disheartening and it makes me feel that maybe my writing isn't good enough.
For those who don't know how to vote ( simply tap the star button)

Also I would love to bring to your notice the fact that I love comments,( crazy and funny comments).

So everyone, the characters used in this book are purely fictional, and if there are any similarities between people or scenarios in real life then it's is simply coincidental.
Also this story has no relation to the real life of idols, their names and faces are simply used as references, so dear readers I earnestly appeal that you are able to separate reality from fiction, and all picture and videos except otherwise stated do not belong to me, i have no ownership rights on them except otherwise stated.

One last thing, I need you all to understand one thing, my story isn't perfect, and I as the writer, I am also not perfect, so if you spot any mistakes or have any suggestions on the story I would be grateful if you could bring it to my notice.

So that's all, I hope y'all have fun reading this story .

Shattered illusions Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt