Chapter 6 first mission saving a tribe

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Bold: will mean chasing povs or places or time skips

Italics: will mean when someone's thinking something or talking in mind or y/- I mean Kingston narrating to himself or the audience yea he's the narrator

Underline: means when someone's talking in a different voice like a demonic one h or an angery one

**: actions\detailed actions like somthing happens as u describe or an emotion

Kingstons pov

Kingston: it was the next day and I was already in class after saying bye to satou and I was called to the head master's office *I started heading there once I was there I saw headmaster ozpin, ironwood, najenda, nezu and sirzechs along with satsuki and her student council* why was I called here

Ozpin: we have called you here today because we have a mission for you and a few others

Kingston: aren't missions for people like second years and such

Ozpin: yes but we wanted to try something new there is a northern tribe that is said to be a target of the empire we need you to relocate them more specifically najenda does because they are with the revolutionary army

Kingston: ok then who am I going with on this mission

Najenda: You'll be going with lione, miss akame, and xenovia from rias group

Kingston: alright then I'll go pack some stuff is that all?

Ozpin: yes you may go

Kingston: *leaves the room and I over hear them talking*

Ozpin: I hope u know what your doing sirzechs

Sirzechs: don't worry ozpin it will be fine plus maybe a little pain from a mission well teach him for rejection my sister

Nezu: you danm sis con

Kingston: *I stop listening going to get ready for the mission* I guess I'll get to try my new weapons out *once I'm ready I got into the bullhead to the others*

Leone: so your the first year huh *hugs him close to her chest with one arm tying to tease him* I'm sure you'll do just fine akame told me about your power and ur dodging skills

Kingston: ok then also I'm not that good really she must have over exaggerated

Akame: no you might not be the best fighter but I can see you have potential

Leone: wow she's even praising you

Xenovia: sorry to ask but I have a question for your mr harime

Kingston: go ahead and you don't need to add mister to my name not like I'm your boss

Xenovia: right so when you had the conversation with rias the other day did they really do all that stuff to you

Kingston: yes they did but it's fine I don't really care about all that stuff anymore

Xenovia: I see I'm sorry all that happened to you

Leone: what happened?

Kingston: *tells the story about what happened in my life before I went to this school and what those guys did to me*

Akame: that sounds terrible how could your own family treat you like some outcast all over some power

Leone: when I get back they are getting a peace of my mind

Kingston: it's fine really I don't care anymore not like they would learn there lessons their egos are the size of planets

Leone: true

Pilot: we're here best you guys get off for now

Kingston: *I would hope out of the bullhead looking around at the tribe as a woman dressed as a cow girl comes to me*

???: hello there I'm guessing your the backup we request to help defend us

Kingston: yes we are do you mind me asking who you are

???: my name is doya im an assassin of this tribe

Kingston: it's nice to meet you doya I'm Kingston these three are lione, akame, and xenovia do you know when they are coming

Doya: from our spy's over at the empire we think they they are eater coming tonight it tomorrow morning

Kingston: I see so I guess we'll stay the night and if they don't show up then we'll get them when the morning comes

Doya: sounds just fine to me

Kingston: I gotta tell my roommate I can't be home tonight *I would call satou telling her I couldn't be home she was a bit upset but understood* do you have anywhere we can sleep

Doya: yea we have tents though we have limited space at the moment so you can share a tent with me

Kingston: are you sure about that I don't care really but I'm still a guy you know

Doya: eh I don't mind from what I've seen you have no interest in the female body given that most guys would jump at the chance

Kingston: I wouldn't say that I'm just not really perverted or anything so that might be it

Doya: heh I like you let me show you around the tried *started walking*

Kingston: *I started following her along with the others as we got a look around* seems that this tribe is pretty peaceful they do have assassins but other then that nothing seemed wrong

Doya: we also heard an imperial arms user might be coming along with the empire I'll take you to the leader he knows more about it

Kingston: *as we walked with Doya we made it to the chiefs house and he told us the army was small but was led by someone named esdeath*

Akame: *shivers at the name*

Kingston: is this esdeath person that bad

Akame: yes from what I've heard and seen she's a very cruel and ruthless person she would start wars just because and wins by her effective tactics

Kingston: let's hope we can make her retreat before things get too bad if she's that strong we may have some trouble

Leone: yea she's part of the reason why boss has lost her arm she's got the ability to control and make ice*

Kingston: yea that's definitely gonna be a problem well I'm sure it might work out let's head to our tents

Girls: ok then

Kingston: *as I went into the tent I shared with Doya I was thinking about how the fight might go* let's hope everyone makes it

A/n: sorry I'm not really posting two like I said I would i haven't been feeling well right now I've been going through Stuff that's scary but I think Ill be ok I might not write for a few days even though I just started sorry to you all and see ya

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