Chapter Eight

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You tried every trick in the book to travel to another universe with the help of Arnold.

Nothing worked.

Even stepping on a toy didn't work.

Thankfully, Arnold's family didn't mind you staying over.

His grandfather even applaused him which was weird.

Arnold like a true gentleman took the floor and gave you the bed.

So, Arnold suggested going to Henry, the male version of Helga, for help.

Agreeing on his suggestion, you both head off in the afternoon to the angry boy's house.

After knocking the door, the male version of his older brother opens the door, a smile adores his pretty face.

Olga is so pretty, like wow, she is the most beautiful women you have seen in your life.

Yet the male version of her, is damn hot.

"You must be Henry's friends, please come in, I'm Oleg" he invited you both inside.

Once inside, you both follow him upstairs to his younger brother's room.

"He is inside, have fun" his brother states excitedly, winking with his eye and waving her hand before walking away.

"We should knock on the door" you say, but before you could do so, Arnold stops you.

"No need to, I'm sure he is doing nothing"

After he opens the door and you two walk in, Arnold regrets his decision of not knocking.

Infront of a closet, sit Henry holding a picture of you and kissing it.

The closet is a small shrine filled with pictures of you, and scanted candles.

And most importantly a figure of you made out of fruits.

"Oh my sweet (Y/n), you make my manhood hard, you belong to only me, oh my sweet-"

"What the fuck are you doing, Henry?!"

Upon hearing Arnold's voice, the pink clothed boy stands up, quickly closing the closet before turning around.

"What are you two doing here?!" he shouts back, his cheeks red from getting exposed.

Even though Henry is above eighteen, you find it extremely creepy what he was doing.

"We came here to ask for help, but it seems like you were busy being a creepy stalker"

Henry was ready to jump on Arnold and beat him up for saying that, feeling extremely embarrassed.

"That isn't true, you are delusional"

The accused young man tries to deny but it's already too late.

"I think, I should get going" you annouce, backing away slowly before rushing out of the room.

Why does every cartoon universe you travel to, always has to have a strange spine-chilling character.

When you were a child and watched Helga crush on Arnold, you didn't think much of it, but now that you are an adult, you realize how unhealthy it is.

And the adult jokes too!

When you walk downstairs, you hear sobbing coming from the living room.

You curiously walk into there to see Oleg sitting on the couch, crying while holding his phone.

The right thing to do is mind your own business and leave.

However, you are weak against men tears.

Especially pretty men.

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