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friday, 09/29/23

You know what one of my favorite things about Drew is? He gives little kisses on my collarbone near my shoulder. It is the cutest thing and if we last forever, I am going to get a heart tattoo right in that spot.

We are at the beach with Charlie and she LOVES the water. She is already getting bigger and I am a little sad about it. I wish she could stay in her little puppy form forever; they are cute when they are big too of course.

"Have you thought about going to the game on Sunday?" Drew asks as he draws little circles on my thigh. I nod and reply that I already told Taylor I could go. He hugs me in sadness and pouts that I will be gone for TWO WHOLE DAYS. He is such a silly goose.

After spending basically the whole day on the beach, we head back to the house so I could pack a bit and relax. I had a few PR boxes to open(already opened the djerf avenue one because i couldn't help myself) and I always love seeing what some brands gift. To be honest—and this is between me and you—I will give some of the products that I don't use to my friends, mom, or younger sister.

Yes, I have a sister. Her name is Athena and she is 17 years old. I don't post her a lot because I like to keep my family affairs private. Occasionally I will post her, like her birthday is coming up!

@aspenhale posted a new story, 09/29/23:

@aspenhale posted a new story, 09/29/23:

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