350 20 14

Solar has been hanging around, it's been about a week and the GPS is still not fixed. Why, Eclipse had no idea. It should not take this long to fix. Solar sat nearby watching Sun and Moon tussle nearby, BloodMoon waddled over to Eclipse and tried to climb up his leg.

Eclipse looked up from his work looking down at BloodMoon, BloodMoon just clung to his pants with a adorable little smile and wide black eye. He squeaked and snuggled his face in, Eclipse fixed his little nightcap, making it not cover his right eyes and ruffled his head gently.

BloodMoon purrs softly and falls asleep clinging, Eclipse was well aware of Solar staring he turned and asked "what?" Solar snapped out of it and shook his head "oh sorry! Still not used to you acting like this" Eclipse nodded in understanding and Sun pressed Moon's face into the floor and Moon managed to bite Sun's hand and Sun pulled his hand back.

Sun whines and Moon noticed he hurt Sun and hugs him, they are truly brothers. Eclipse watched this melting inside. "Aww..." Computer said softly and Eclipse said "hey, you've been more quiet lately, why is that?" Computer said "oh! I'm making myself a physical body!" Eclipse went silent and said "really?!" Computer replied "yep!" Eclipse did a thumbs up.

"Cool!" he cheered encouraging Computer and Solar looked stunned at this revelation, "well when will it be finished?" Eclipse asked and Computer said "should be finished in a couple months, bodies take a while" Eclipse nodded "okay!" Solar was silent.


He walked to Moon's room, he looked around making soft and angry hissing sounds. He dug in some drawers and Computer asked "what are you doing Lunar?" Lunar stiffened and turned before saying dismissively "busy" Computer wasn't taking that for a answer thought.

Lunar was still peeved from the escape. 

It had been too much fun for him to just escape. 

"I want an answer Lunar" Computer said "this is Moon's privacy you are invading and I will not hesitate to force you out" Lunar was unconcerned as he grouchily rummaged. He could tell that Computer was getting irritated, he finally found what he was looking for and pocketed it. "Lunar, I'm going to ask you to leave" Computer said voice getting more angry, "I don't like you invading your brothers privacy-" Lunar tilted his head at the arcade machine and asked "Moon's workshop seems to be recently opened, is there a reason for that?" Lunar waited patiently.


A broken robot?

"My systems short circuited for a moment" Computer said grouchily, "opened that door" Lunar glared at him suspiciously before shrugging "okay!" Computer grunted and Lunar closed the drawers and left Moon's room, he jumped off the balcony and fell onto the island with a harsh bang.

He did this every time, on purpose. He laid there and chuckled, he felt the pain but really he didn't mind. Lunar got up to his small stubby legs and ran off out of the daycare quickly.


He felt out of place, he felt like he was just kinda... there. He sat on the chair silently and awkwardly and Moon waddled up to him and coo'd doing grabby hands, Solar avoiding picking him up though. He had a feeling that he did not want to feel the wrath of Eclipse, much less a dad Eclipse.

Eclipse looked over, noticed Moon and nodded giving Solar permission. Solar was surprised by this but took the chance to scoop Moon up gently, Moon felt tiny in his arms. So incredibly tiny, Moon looked at him and played with his rays and Solar chuckled "aww..." he looked over and saw Sun chewing on a random stick nearby. Eclipse seemed unconcerned so Solar didn't stop him.

Moon makes a random sound and stirs in Solar's arms getting comfortable and he squeaked and smacked Solar's face lightly, Solar looked at him offended and he heard Eclipse chuckle nearby and Solar turned to him "he hit me!" Eclipse chuckled "he's just saying hello" Solar grunted as Moon smacked him again.

"Rude" he grumbled, but he was already attached to how small and adorable Moon looked and he smiled and hugged him close and Moon stuck his tongue out lightly and Sun who, much to Solar's amusement but Eclipse's horror, flipped him off.

Eclipse yelped in alarm and Solar started laughing hard "he flipped Moon off!" Solar wheezed and Eclipse instantly began scolding Sun who looked like he regretted nothing. Moon glared at Sun in offence and BloodMoon woke up still clinging to Moon's leg confused by the sudden fast movements. 

Solar watched Eclipse scolds Sun like a parent and smirked, Moon snuggles into his arms and just goes to sleep, the tussle had worn him out and now he just wants sleep, understandable. Solar rubbed his little head gently and Eclipse finally finished scolding Sun who pouted and looked away, already rebelling I see. 

Solar smirked and Eclipse scoffed and picked Sun up and put him on the bed "stay, do not move" Sun glared and sat down crossing his arms pouting and Eclipse muttered clearly irritated. BloodMoon let go of his leg and dove under a bed randomly and dragged out a rat, Solar was used to this at this point.

Solar sat down on a bed and accidentally almost sat on Lord Eclipse, he felt Lord Eclipse stiffen beside him, Solar stiffened as well. Whoops- he looked over at Lord Eclipse under the blanket. The poor guy did not like my existence, he hasn't left the blanket since I've been here... Solar thought and hesitantly he reached over and rubbed Lord Eclipse's back lightly.

It was a stupid idea, incredibly stupid, he felt Lord Eclipse stiffen at his touch but after a few long moments he relaxed finally realizing that Solar wasn't going to hurt him. "Huh" Solar said "is that all I needed to do???" well, he's not complaining.

A/N: this chapter feels a bit rushed ;(

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