Chapter 9: Reunions

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(enid pov)
I get there before Wednesday. I know because her typewriter isn't there. So she can't have unpacked yet. I also know that she is rooming with me, because she has to be.

Wednesday, I hope we can move on from the awkwardness over break. I am sorry you felt the need to lie about being sick, and I am glad whatever happened to you was resolved.

I rehearsed the speech for ages. But it doesn't kick in when she walks through the door. "Enid," she breathes. I smile awkwardly. She-



Wednesday Addams is hugging me. Once my brain stops buffering, I wrap my arms around her in return. "I missed you," she whispers. "What?" I ask. "You heard me." But she doesn't let go of me. Eventually, I break off the hug. Wednesday will get mad at me if I continue it.

(wednesday pov)
Eventually, Enid breaks off the hug, leaving me slightly colder. She smiles at me softly, and I return it, aching at the scars still on her cheeks. Then I snap out of it, and straighten. "I have to start unpacking," I tell her, walking to my side of the room. She nods, and heads back to her own unpacking jobs. I bite my lip, and force myself to focus.

(enid pov)
I leave Wednesday to her unpacking, and almost immediately bump into Ajax. "Hey!" he says. I smile. "Listen, I'm sorry for just leaving-"

"No," I cut him off, "I was sick. You are totally fine."

"Anyway, I wanted to ask you to dinner on Friday?" he asks, pulling out a small flower and tucking it behind my ear. I smile through gritted teeth and nod. Ajax grins. "I have to go. See you then!"

He runs off. I should've done it, but I didn't. I'll do it on Friday. I will. I run down to the office to get my new schedule. I glare down at it as I trudge back to my room. I barely register Wednesday shaking hands with Bianca, although I still feel a sinking feeling in my stomach at the sight of her hand in someone else's, even for something that professional. My stupid schedule is packed. I don't get a single period off. I sigh. Maybe I'll have something with Wednesday. I flop onto my bed, staring at the ceiling in anger. Wednesday walks in a couple minutes later. I sit up. "Can I see your schedule?" I ask. She hands it to me. I scan it for comparisons. "What were you talking to Bianca about?" I ask, while googling translations for the Latin. Why Wednesday didn't get the English copy as well as that traditional one, I will never understand. "She saved my life," Wednesday responds.

"What? What happened? Is this what Thing was talking about?"


"I called Thing because you weren't responding to my messages. He asked if I had seen you, and informed me that you were... faking." Wednesday looks away. I move on. "Then apparently you were missing? Then something happened... but eventually I found out you were ok by receiving a photo of you unconscious and covered in blood. I'm a bit used to that."

Wednesday looks concerned. "What happened?"

"I... well..." I look away. Wednesday sits down on the floor, and gestures across from her. I sigh and sit down. "Enid, what happened."

I stare at the floor. Wednesday puts a cold finger on my chin, and forces my eyes to hers.

(wednesday pov)
I hesitate, but I put my hand under the girl's chin. I need to know what happened after I lied to her. After I left. Enid's eyes are shining. "I... wolfed out at half moon."

I look at her. "Is that possible? I mean, it is but... should it be?"

"No!" She gasps. "Not involuntarily!"

"So... what happened?"

She hangs her head. "I was so lost. I was running. And then I couldn't control myself. My wolf took over. My father saved me, but I was unconscious for a month. I've been recovering ever since, until I came here." I gasp, and put a hand on her knee. "Was it my fault?" I ask, dreading the answer. "No!" Enid gasps. But she pauses, "Why... did you lie, though? I thought you wanted to come."

The earnest look in her gaze snaps me in two. Why am I so weak? "I wanted to come. But I was confused and... I didn't know how else to leave. I- I- I'm sorry, Enid. I am."

Enid lunges at me. I flinch, but welcome the physical touch. Why, I do not know. "Things can be how they were." She squeezes, and I flinch, pulling back gripping my torso. The wound has healed, but the scar is still there. Enid looks at the spot, eyes glimmering with fear. I sigh, and pull up my shirt slightly, exposing the scar tissue. "What happened?"

"I was stabbed."

"By who?"

"A stalker?"

"Since when?"

"The beginning of the summer?"


"My family handled it."

Enid laughs. I look at her, incredulous. "I'm barely surprised!" she chokes. I chuckle, too, enjoying the moment for once.

(enid pov)
After Wednesday and I finish talking, I translate the rest of her schedule, refusing the help of my roommate. "We have three classes together," I conclude. "Which periods?" Wednesday asks. "First, third, and sixth. So, in the morning, right before lunch, and right at the end. We can eat lunch together!" I gush, thrilled. Wednesday smiles slightly. And a beam from my window makes her cheeks pink. Although she isn't standing on that side of the room.

(omniscient narrator)
Enid convinces Wednesday to eat with her friends. Wednesday talks Enid down to twice a week. Enid rolls her eyes, but takes the bargain. They sleep in their own beds, and both dream of the encounter that summer. The one they both assumed was a dream. It wasn't.

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