- chapter 8 -

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They stayed on the floor for a while just in each other's embrace. Cordelia could tell that now his crying was over. At least for now. There was no way of knowing how much the games had affected Finnick. How much they traumatized him. Cordelia had decided no matter what she would stay by his side.

Deciding the dark closet wasn't the best space anymore, Cordelia attempted to get Finnick up and back into the actual bedroom. She was only partly successful. Eventually, he realized what she was trying to do and he willingly moved to the other room with her.

He helped her to the bed and they both sat in its plush softness, sinking slightly into the mattress. Directly in front of the bed was a large window. It looked like it led to a small balcony but Cordelia was focused on something a little further in the distance.

"Is that the victor's private beach? It looks untouched."

"I think it is. I don't know how long it's been since it was used."

Cordelia could feel herself frown.

"I suppose you'll spend your free time there now then?"


Finnick looked at her as though she'd grown a second head. It took a lot to not roll her eyes but somehow she managed.

"Finn, you won't need to go to the academy anymore. You'll never have to work and it's the most beautiful beach, just sitting there, unused. Why wouldn't you spend your free time there?"

He took a moment to answer.


That was not the response she was expecting.

"What do you mean no?"

"I won't spend my free time there."

That was just confusing. Finnick loved spending all his time at the beach. Swimming around, and laying in the sun, it was all he could talk about when they were at school or training.

"Finnick you love spending your time at the beach, you'll spend your free time there."

"No." The same one-word response.

"You sound like a child."

"You're wrong."

"Excuse me? Finnick you do hear yourself right?"

"I don't love spending my time at the beach. I love spending my time with you."

Cordelia swore her neck almost snapped when she turned to look at Finnick. He was already looking at her.

"You said it yourself Delia, it's the victor's private beach. You aren't a victor, you wouldn't be able to go. Besides, you promised. Promised you wouldn't leave me." His gaze burned through her, and she could feel herself getting lost in his eyes. "Delia that promise goes both ways. You promised not to leave me? I promise not to leave you, ever."


˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙


Dinner had been awkward, to say the least. No one knew how to start a conversation, let alone hold one. Cordelia had managed to take pity on the poor Odair family when she found the best opportunity to slip back upstairs with Finnick.

Now they sat on the balcony, staring out at the ocean and up at the stars. Finnick was happy when he realized he'd been too warm and had to remove a layer. Cordelia remembered how he'd shiver most nights in the arena. It must've been cold and fire meant revealing your location to anyone around. A death wish.

Secrets of the Sea | Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now